Should I Trust Him?

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     I open the cabin door with one hand, while the other is clutching whatever's left of the front of my dark green, fleece shirt, putting pressure on my wounds. Some bandages, Neosporin, and alcohol should do the trick. I walk in to see Zeus and my mother on opposite sides of my living room, sitting on my fur-covered benches made of wood that I built myself. I see my mother look from my face down to where my other hand is at. I see her eyes widen in disbelief and shock and worry and she abruptly rushes to my side to help me sit.
     "Rostris!? What happened?! Are you okay?" my mother shrieks into my ear, being so close.
     Maybe I should've gone around back and handled this situation on my own.
     "I was walking back with Laelap and heard something in the woods. I thought it was a Gaur, but it turned out to be an Adlet," as I say this, my mother shakes her head in disbelief.
     "That's impossible. Aren't they almost extinct? Plus, they live on the other side of the world."
     "Well, here's your proof," I motioned my head to my lacerations and she nods in belief. You can tell the cuts were from claws because of the way they come long and deep.
     "I'll go get the antibiotics you keep under your kitchen sink and the bandages," my mother hurries to get them but I cut in,
     "Also, grab a root beer from my fridge. I need something to cool down and relax with. And a shirt."
I had completely forgotten about Zeus being in my living room. I decide that I'll listen to whatever reason he's here for, decline it, then kick him out. I pat the side of the couch that I'm sitting on for Laelap to join me, who's just been sitting at my feet patiently and looking at me with those worrisome eyes.
      "Now, Zeus, why are you really here because we both know that it's not for some sappy, family reunion." He sits up from the bench and walks over to me.
     "Watch it, buddy!" I snap at him. He needs to learn of personal space, even if I need twenty feet of it.
     "Rostris, I come in peace. If you wanna get straight to the point, then fine, I will. I came here because my wife, Hera, found out about my many, many relationships with the dryads of the forests. Dryads are female nymphs that inhabit trees and forests, specifically oak trees," He smirked at the many relationships part. Of course, he would. It's like does this man have pride, or is this his pride? "Anyway, what really caught Hera's eye, was that Ekho, a particular dryad; was that I've gotten closer to this one, almost like my relationship with Hera and since then, has been trying to kill her. Because of this, out of rage and disgust, Ekho has been setting forests containing special creatures, on fire. But not just any fire, because those can be put out easily. But, fire from Hades. His fire can rage on and on and can only be put out by Poseidon's water from his trident. Of course, I'm not Poseidon's favorite brother, so Poseidon hasn't agreed to put out the flames. Hades must be aiding Ekho with jars of his blue flames and she'd just set them loose everywhere. So, here's where you come in; I need your hunting skills to track down Ekho... and kill her. I'll try to convince my brother again to put out the fires."
     As Artemis walks in with the ailments and starts to patch Rostris up, Rostris looks at Zeus, confused with what he just asked her.
     Zeus brings up, "You're obviously thinking, 'Why would he want Ekho dead?' well, the truth is that seeing Hera with this new jealousy rage has really opened my eyes to what I've been missing out on with her. Whatever feelings I had with Ekho are officially gone."
     I still don't understand why he chose me, of all people. So, I ask with an annoyed tone because he's just really wasting my time with one of his affair issues, "Why me, specifically. I mean, I'm sure you have tons of other hunters you could have chosen. I mean, how hard would it be to track down a dryad setting wildfires?" Now, my mother interrupts this godforsaken conversation,
     "Because, Zeus believes that with your half human side, you'd make the greatest huntress of all time... even better than me." My mother sounded somber when she said that last part. I still don't get why it has to be me though, of all hunters. Like, why couldn't he have asked my mother? She's way better with hunting in these kinds of situations and knows better.
      "Wait, is this like some kind of test to what I've been trying to learn better? Like, are you trying to see how capable I can be in situations like this and my hunting skills?" This question was directed to Zeus, but deep down, it was also pointed to be my mother, and I think she knows that.
     "Rostris, I believe you can do this. Yes, we don't have the greatest relationship and I know after this, you still wouldn't want to get in contact with me, and that's fine. I don't want to either. But this is important. It's life-threatening to all the wildlife and even, humans."
     Ugh, now why does Zeus have to bring up humans. I do have a soft spot for humans but only because I'm half of one and now he's making it seem like it's my responsibility.
     "Your mother is going help guide you along the way if needed, Rostris. I only say this, stay cautioned of Hera. I'm sure there might be collisions with her somewhere on the journey. I'll try my best to stop her, but I can't guarantee that it will work. Once she has her mind set on something... well, there's no stopping her."
     With Zeus' last remarks, I told him I'd think about it. He left in the form of a ball of lightning and shot up into the sky. With all of this to think about, I turn to Mother.

Rostris: The Hunting DemigodWhere stories live. Discover now