Christmas pt 2

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Astraea woke up to the sound of Ron shouting, she sighed. Getting up out of bed, she wrapped her self up in her robe. For dear was not about to walk out of the dormitory wearing nothing but her nightgown. When she exited her dormitory, it appeared Harry had as well.

"Marry Christmas Astraea." He Said, and Astraea smiled at him.

"Marry Christmas Harry, why don't we go see what's got Ron's excitement so wild." She Said, and Harry laughed. Together they walked down the spiral stairs, and to the common room.

They found Ron in his red pajamas, sitting by the Christmas tree. This made Astraea giggle, Ron looked like a little kid. So excited about opening up presents.

"Ron, What has your robes in a twist?" She Asked him as she sat down on the sofa, he looked at her like she was crazy.

"There are presents to open, and it's Christmas! How can you not be excited?" He Asked, and she looked down.

"My family hasn't enthusiastically celebrated Christmas my entire life, it used to be a big holiday for us. Apparently, but after my mums family died, she just found it too painful to celebrate like she used to."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Rob said, and Astraea waved him off.

"Nah, it's nothing. I don't really care, I love my family. Now, go on ahead and open your presents Ron." She told him kindly, and he shrugged.

"Hey Harry, you've got a pile here too." Ron Said, and Harry was shocked.

"I have presents?" He Said, and Ron nodded.

"Yeah." He Said, and Harry looked genuinely excited about Christmas.

He got quite a few things too. Some candies, a sweater from Ron's mother, and an invisibility cloak.

"Hey Harry, you've got two more presents." Ron Said, and Harry was shocked. Ron handed him two neatly wrapped presents, both were no bigger than a textbook.

"Well, go on." Ron Said, and Harry opened the smaller of the two presents. All three of them were shocked by what they saw.

"Blimey, it's a book." Ron Said in shock, and Astraea gasped.

"Not just any book, look." She Said as she pointed to the title.

The life and tragedy surrounding the Potters. By Albus Dumbledore.

"I've never heard of this book before." Ron Said, and Harry looked at the cover.

"Ron, Astraea, look." Harry Said in shock as he pointed to the picture on the cover. Their eyes widened in shock, on the cover was a family photo. There were two babies, and three adults.

"Go on, read the summary." Astraea Said, and Harry opened the book and read the summary.

"The lives and tragedy surrounding the Potter family is one for the ages, and very sad indeed. Siblings James and Sally Potter grew up with kind loving parents, and eventually went to school at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Both graduated with exceptional honors, and went off into the world and living happy lives. James eventually married Lily, and they soon had a son. Harry.

Sally never married, but she had a child of her own, a little girl. Phoebe Potter, her first name is unknown.

Eighteen months after their births, tragedy struck the family. The dark lord sought them out, all of them. With only one goal, to kill them all. Sally Potter and her daughter vanished after that night, and are presumed dead. While James and Lily Potter where confirmed dead, leaving only one survivor. Harry Potter."

"That's crazy, I mean, I heard the rumors and the speculation, but I never." Ron began and both Astraea and Harry looked at him.

"What rumors?" Harry Asked, and Ron sighed.

"The rumors about what happened the night you defeated you know who." He began, and Astraea and Harry gestured for him to go on. Ron sighed and looked down.

"Listen, I don't know much, just a bit more than the General story." He began, and the two leaned in. "According to me mum, you know who went to Sally's house first. It's said he killed her and found no little girl, but that's not what the rumors say.

Loads of whitches and wizards believe he took the girl, wanting to have a child that would carry out his will. But she was killed when he disappeared.

But, according to what I've heard my dad say, Sally Potter and her daughter are still alive. Living in hiding, someplace protecting them from those wishing them harm." Ron Said, and Harry was shocked.

"I have an aunt?" He said, and Ron nodded.

"Yeah, but that's just me dads speculation. But, it doesn't seem too crazy. You were able to survive the killing curse, so your aunt could have as well. But one thing is certain," they shared a look. "Ever since that day, no trace of your cousin has been found. She's known as the missing Potter."

"Why haven't I heard about any of this before?" Harry Asked, and Astraea leaned back.

"Harry, unlike you, she's never been found, hasn't been seen since that day. Everyone assumes she's dead, so the Missing Potter has become nothing more than a legend."

"That's not right." Harry Said, and Astraea sighed.

"It's life, I've read that book before. Wanting to learn everything I could about the world outside of my home, and Sally Potter's life after she left Hogwarts is shrouded in rumors, mystery, and the unknown."

"Well, why don't you open up the next present." Ron Said, effectively changing the subject. Harry nodded, and opened the next present. He gasped.

"What is it?" Ron Asked, and Harry looked at his friends.

"It's a scrapbook, on my family." He said, and he picked it up. Sure enough.

Potter Family Scrapbook

"Wait, I've heard about these." Astraea Said, and both boys looked at her.

"Their magical books, that illustrate entire family lines, their history, this book Harry, it contains everything about your family." She Said, and Harry gasped. He gently opened the front cover and his eyes widened.

"Guys, there's a letter." He Said, as he picked it up.

"What does it say?" Ron Asked, and Harry read it.

"This book has been apart of our family for generations, it was all I could save from your father's home that night. May this give you some sort of piece of mind, some sort of connection to your parents. To my dear brother. With Love, Sally Potter"

"Holy Poseidon, shes still alive." Astraea Said in shock, and Harry felt happiness.

"I can't believe this." He breathed, this was by far, the best gift he ever received.

Sorry it took so long to update, but I've been busy. Now I've read through this a bit, and I've come to realize how unsatisfying the storyline is. So, I'm rewriting this story, I totally screwed up how I wanted Astraea to be, and all that, so yeah. Sorry bout this, I've gotten some amazing comments on this story, and I can't thank you all enough for the support. But the storyline isn't where I wanted it to be, so, sorry again for the inconvenience.

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