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10 years later......

It had been ten years since that day, Harry Potter was famous in the wizarding world. Another name that was also famous, was the missing Potter. Pheme Potter, her full name is unknown, due to it being an at home birth, and the certificate getting ruined when the home was attacked.

However, this day, will change two lives forever.

"Astraea, it's time to come in! There's a surprise waiting for you here!" Sally Cried out, and that got the attention of the girl sitting under the willow tree who was sketching.

"Coming Mum!" The girl said as she stood up, and dusted herself off. The girl was very fair, she had elbow length jet black hair, it was wavy like the ocean. Her eyes were sea green, and they swirled with untold power. Her skin was a pale caramel, and she had a tranquil vibe.

Carrying her sketchbook, she made her way from the lake, to her family home. As she walked, the girl hummed a light tune. As she sang, it was almost like nature was becoming more serene. The grass became greener, the trees healthier, and everything just became more vibrant and healthy.

She made it back to the house, and opened the door. She set down her sketchbook on the island in the kitchen, then went to their sitting room. When she got there, she gasped.

"Triton, Aunt Amphrite, Aunt Artemis, Aunt Dity, Aunt Persephone, Uncle Hades. What are you all doing here?" She Asked, as she gave each of them hugs. This made all her family smile, her inner peace and tranquil attitude affected them immediately.

"Well, we came to see you on your birthday." Said Hades, as Poseidon walked in. Hades and him embraced, the two having grown significantly closer since Poseidon remarried.

"Besides, is it a crime to visit my little sister on her birthday?" Asked Triton, and Percy giggles.

"No, that's ludicrous. Absolute rubbish! But you must write more often, you hardly tell us of your job at Hogwarts." Percy Said, and Triton smirked.

"Well, I don't want to spoil the magic for you sis. After all, you'll be going there soon." He said, and Percy looked down.

"If I get accepted, the most magical thing I've done is make muggle technology go crazy around me." She said, and everyone smiled knowingly at her.

"Don't worry Astraea, you'll get your chance. Besides, we know you have magic, you just need to figure out a way to make it come out." Said Amphrite, and Percy sighed.

"I know, well, I'm gonna go to my room. I want to get through this new book mums friend Dumbledore sent me, it's really interesting. It's called A Hogwarts, A History." She said, as she walked up the stairs.

"I still don't get how that daughter of yours is so calm and serene all the time." Said Persephone, Who was chuckling.

"We don't know, but we're glad she is. Astraea seems to have inherited the calm water side of your personality." Said Aphrodite Who was giggling.

"Actually, that's not true. One day, she actually caused an earthquake and a tsunami. She got so angry with some muggles calling Triton and us weird, she was so angry that someone was saying bad things about us." Said Poseidon, and that shocked all the gods.

"I think she's unconsciously realized that when she looses control of her emotions, her powers go out of control." Said Triton.

"That would explain why she's so calm and collected all the time." Said Hades, and all the gods agreed. They just dreaded the day when she would face the many dangers that she's destined to face.

"Yes, but we can only hope that she will be able to keep a level head when the time comes." Said Artemis, and at that, the Jackson's deflated slightly.

"Well, we can only hope that Hogwarts will help prepare her." Said Sally, as she looked at the family photo above their fireplace.

With Astraea....

She just sat down on her window seat, and opened her book. She only had a few pages left, and she wanted to finish it. However, she set the book down once she opened it. In reality, she just wanted to get away from her family.

She loved them to pieces, but she just wished she could use magic like them. She just sometimes wished that she wasn't so different, she wished that her family wouldn't try to give her false hope.

Sighing, she closed her book. Then walked to her balcony, she opened her doors, and went outside. She breathed in the fresh air and leaned on her balcony, just staring at the view it gave her.

"Mind if I join?" Asked a voice from behind her, she turned and saw it was her brother.

"Triton, sure. I was just getting some air." She said, but her brother looked at her with a concerned look.

"I find that hard to believe, I know you, what's bothering you?" He Asked, as he leaned back against her balcony. He looked at his sister as she kept staring out in the distance, she had a expressionless face.

"I'm sorry, it's just. I don't know, I feel like everyone expects me to have power. Yet, I haven't done a bit of bloody magic. It's infuriating, I just wish that I could do a bloody spell!" Astraea Said, as her emotions started to spiral. Triton felt the power she had start to rise, and he got a bit worried.

That's when the blessing from Hectate came in, the wind began to pick up. It spiraled around Astraea, and she was glowing. Her expression was pained, and her eyes weren't focusing on anything.

Triton grew scared, he knew this was her blessing from Hectate, he could feel the power. It wasn't the power she gave off when she lost control a few months ago, and he felt a weaker version of this at Hogwarts.

"Dad!" He Cried out in desperation, and his dad, Sally, mother, and the other gods rushed in. They saw Astraea and gasped.

"My word, she's unlocked her blessing from Hectate." Said Sally in shock, they saw as Astraea began to lift off the ground. This alarmed them all, she shouldn't be in the air.

"Dad, we have to stop her!" Triton screamed, as Astraea lifted her arms up. She looked like she was making a T with her body, and that intensified the magic she was unconsciously doing.

"Astraea, please, snap out of it!" Cried out Sally, but it was like she couldn't hear anything. That's when Astraea grabbed her head and screamed, her eyes and mouth emitted light. Then, everything stopped.

Astraea crumbled to the ground, and everything stopped. She was unconscious, but that didn't stop everyone from rushing to her.

"Astraea!" Cried out her family she moaned, then slowly opened her eyes. Confused, the girl sat up.

"What, what just happened?" She Asked, as she wasn't on the floor just a second ago. Just then, an owl swooped in. It dropped a letter at her feet, Astraea curious opened the letter. She let out a choked sob, as happiness began to overcome her.

"Strella, What is it?" Asked her mother curiously, Astraea looked up at her mother with eyes brimming with joy.

"I got in, I was accepted into Hogwarts!" She said, as she held up the letter. Her whole family burst with joy, proud their little pearl made it.

"Well, today has just been full of surprises, hasn't it sweetheart?" Said her mother, she nodded eagerly. Then got up, and realized something.

"I fell behind schedule, we were supposed to eat blue cake after dinner at subset! It's sunset!" She Cried out in alarm, but that just got everyone laughing. Everything was fine and back to normal.

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