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Ok, so it's been a few weeks since I got on the Quittich team. Astraea was on it as well, and she was bloody brilliant at it. I mean, she is just that good.

Anyway, today is Halloween. We where in charms with Professor Flitwick, learning the levitation spell. Hermione was the first one to get it right, Astraea was second. Ron, He was struggling.

Hermione tried to help him, but he was a total prick. However, I understand where he's coming from. Then, as we were walking away, Hermione overheard what Ron Said. She walked away crying, and then Astraea rounded on us.

"Ron, that was uncalled for. Hermione isn't a bloody nightmare, the way you've treated and acted towards her is the bloody nightmare. Honestly, get your head on straight. Otherwise you'll be no better than Malfoy." Then Astraea chased after Hermione, leaving behind words that left a mark on us all.

Time skip....

Astraea and Hermione didn't show up to any classes after that, and it was dinner. Neither showed up, Lavender Brown told them Hermione had been crying in the lavatory all afternoon, with Astraea trying to comfort her.

"TROLL IN THE DUNGEON, TROLL IN THE DUNGEON. I thought you'd like to know." Then Querral passed out, leaving us all panicked. Me and Ron snuck away from the Gryffindor group, and raced to the girls lavatory.

Professor Jackson must have had the same idea, for he was ahead of us. Bad news, he found out the troll wasn't in the dungeon anymore. The troll saw him, and swung his club. It collided with Professor Jackson, and sent him flying into a wall. Where he went unconscious, we watched the troll then enter the lavatory where Hermione was.

"Come on Ron, let's go." I Said, and he followed. Right wen we reached the door, screaming was heard from the other side. We burst into the lavatory and saw as Astraea was whacked by the club, and sent flying into the wall. She didn't move or get up, and Hermione was hiding under the sink.

"Help us!" Hermione Cried out, as she hid. Both me and Ron lept into action.

Time skip...

Professor McGonagle just burst into the lavatory with Madam Pomfry, and they gasped. Madam Pomfry rushed to Astraea, while Professor McGonagle turned to us.

"What do you think you were doing??!? Do you know how lucky you are?!? Not many first years can face a fully grown mountain troll and live to tell the tale." She scolded, and me and Ron looked at each other.

"We came to find Astraea and Hermione Professor." I Said, and then Hermione spoke up.

"It was my fault professor, I read about trolls and thought I could handle it. Astraea came with me to try and make me see reason, if not for her and Harry and Ron, I'd probably be dead." Hermione said, and Professor looked to Madam Pomfry.

"Her brother is recovering, and she will as well. Things could have been much worse, they are lucky." She said, as she levitated Astraea.

"I'm very disappointed in you Ms. Granger, ten points will be taken from Gryffindor, for your foolishness. And five points will be awarded to the three of you, for sheer dumb luck." Then McGonagle walked out of the lavatory with Madam Pomfry, helping her escort the two Jackson siblings to the infirmary.


It was tense in the school, today was a Quittich match between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. Everyone was in anticipation, with the house of gold and red not having much love.

Well, Astraea had support, just not really anyone else. The young girl had gained the love and support from nearly the entire school, there was just something about her that had people wanting to follow her.

Anyway, the team was lined up, waiting to be let out. The elder players looking at the two first years with a bit of worry, yes the two where phenomenal flyers, but they were so young.

The gate opened, and the team mounted their brooms and took off. Astraea doing a lap around the pitch, and facing off all sixth year players. She gulped, praying to the gods that she didn't totally humiliate her house.

The quaffle was released, and she was off. Astraea grabbed it first, and wove in and out of the opposing team. A bludgeon appeared out of nowhere, and everyone screamed. It was headed straight for Astraea's head, however, she did a backflip off her broom and avoided the projectile. And managed to land back on her broom, and score a goal from a ridiculous angle.

Everyone broke out screaming, not in fear but in joy. Astraea was the one scoring most of the goals for her house, and Harry was watching her in admiration. Then he saw the snitch, what he didn't see was the bludgeon heading straight for him. Astraea did, and she tossed the Quaffle to a team mate, then sped towards Harry. She dove off her broom, tackled him, grabbed his broom, let the bludgeon pass by, flipped him back on, and launched herself at her broom. All in a split second, everyone was speechless.

Then Astraea flew off, to assist with the scoring. Harry caught the snitch, and his house won! All previous thoughts of him being bad were gone, they had won!

The celebration in his common room that night was like nothing they had ever seen, however, there was someone missing. Astraea, she wasn't celebrating. So, Harry, Ron, and Hermione decided to go look for her. When they found her not in the common room, they decided to check Professor Jackson's classroom. Sure enough, the girl was there.

"Astraea, what are you doing here?" Hermione Asked, and her head whipped around and she looked at us.

"I, uh, didn't feel much up for the party. Sorry." She said, and her friend sat down next to her.

"Astraea, what's bothering you?" Hermione Asked, and she sighed.

"I just don't have a good feeling, I feel like something big is gonna happen. Something bad is going down, but nobody will find out till it's too late. Also, I've gone to boarding schools my whole life, but I've never wanted to go home more than I do now." She said, and this shocked the three.

"Why's that?" Hermione Asked, and Astraea looked out at the stars.

"Call it paranoid, or me being childish, but I've got a feeling that I won't get to spend much time with my family here soon." She said, as she stood up and stared at the stars.

"I've been having unsettling dreams, and I can tell my brother is keeping something from me. I also know I have more family out there, that there's more to the stories than what my mother told me." She said, and that's when the girls bracelet started to glow. This shocked everyone, especially Astraea.

"Bloody hell, your bracelet can glow?!?" Ron shouted, and Astraea just looked shocked.

"I had no clue, why is it glowing?" She Asked, as she tapped the glowing image of a family. Astraea quietly screamed, as the bracelet flowed white hot, and then images popped out of it. Everyone gasped, it looked like a summer camp. Or a really big house or city, but Astraea Recognized one of them.

"My home." She said, as she placed a hand on the image with the huge mansion.

"That's your home?!?" Hermione sqeaked, and Astraea nodded.

"Yes, I love it there. However, each summer, we always went to America. For about three weeks, we'd always visit my dads family. They would go off one day and just hang out, then I'd get to see them.

It was in New York, they were gonna send me to Yancy Academy if I didn't make it into Hogwarts. But I did, and now, I think they're expecting something big to happen." She said, but the three could see her eyes begging to glow brightly with love.

"We probably should go back, before we get in trouble." Harry Said, and so the four made their way back to the common room.

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