The Crazy Woman

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(Y/N) sighed.

She had been babysitting Mrs William's ten year old son for the past two hours. She had no intention of spending her precious weekend this way but was too polite to refuse her neighbour.

She glanced at the clock yet again. When would she be back?

She didn't really have trouble with the kid though. He was sweetheart and listened to everything she had said.

Ding dong.

(Y/N) rushed to the door and opened it, internally relieved that  Mrs William's had returned and that she could finally go home.

Go home and reread the entire Harry Potter series. Half blood Prince? Or maybe Prisoner of Azkaban?
She really couldn't choose. Maybe she would start from the beginning and savour the journey once again.

A polite cough broke her out of her reverie and she smiled sheepishly as the older women beamed at her and gave her the allotted money.

"He didn't give you any trouble, did he?" she asked.
"No, he was really sweet and listened to everything I asked him to do" Evangeline assured her.
But something was wrong..... There was a strange guilty look on Mrs William's face and a sense of dread gnawed at the back of her mind.

"Is something wrong?"(Y/N) asked warily.
"Can you help me with something?" Mrs William enquired quietly.
This was beginning to get really suspicious. Nevertheless curiosity got better of her and she nodded slowly.

"I-I have another son, whom I have neglected and now I fear his future might take a turn for the worse. Could you perhaps be his friend? See to it he knows the importance of friendship?"

There was a desperate look in her eyes and (Y/N) didn't see the harm in befriending someone so she nodded.

"Where is he?"she asked.

"I don't know. He could be anywhere but I know that he is alive." Mrs William wrung her hands and looked at her feet for awhile but suddenly grew extremely aggressive and clasped (Y/N)'s  arms so hard that she was sure that there would be marks later on.


Frightened by her drastic change in behaviour, (Y/N) forcefully escaped her strong hold and dashed across the street in a desperate effort to run away.


She had forgotten to look towards the right and when she did... It was too late.


The car stopped too late and rammed right into (Y/N).

As darkness consumed her vision and pain numbed other senses... She thought she heard a soft sorry float through the air.

And then nothing.

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