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A/N: I really shouldn't be updating because I only have one more chapter written after this but wbk I'm dumb so🤠enjoy

"Aye, y'all bitches finally decided to show up!" Dani shouts when Bil and I finally walk through the door.

I mean, we're only an hour late. Who the fuck actually wants to show up on time for a party? That's lame as hell.

"Happy motherfucking birthday jit," I say to her, grinning widely when I finally see her.

She throws her arms around both of us at the same time, pulling all three of us into a hug and letting me know that she's already high based on how strongly she smells of weed. Like how probably most people in here are.

When Dani pulls away, her gaze immediately drops to my hand that's intertwined with Billie's. Along with her eyes also widening.

"Oh my god, Jay, how many times have I told you to stop fucking my friends? They're off-limits." She rolls her eyes at me, although it's more of a lighthearted tone in her voice.

"First of all, we're not fucking-"

"Yeah, yeah, you expect me to believe that when you, the biggest hoe I know, left the party last night with her and came back today fucking hand-holding and shit? Sis, you going soft on me now?" Dani teases playfully and I smack her upside the head.

"And Billie, the amount of times you've told me you're straight and now you wanna go fuck my best friend?" She continues laughing and teasing us, obviously not being seriously upset.

"Man shut the fuck up, we're deadass not fucking. Besides, Bil got her a little boyfriend." I wink at Billie and nudge her while she sucks her teeth at me.

Billie finally decides to chime into Dani and I's playful banter. "Jay, I promise you I will kill you. He's not my boyfriend."

"Oh really, Bil?" Dani turns and faces her before wrapping an arm around her shoulder and leading her away from me. "So tell me who this mystery man is so I can threaten to beat his ass if he fucks with you..." Their voices become distant as they walk towards the kitchen.

Okay, great. They leave me alone. I mean, normally I would be upset at this, but because this is Dani's small kickback, I know most of the people here and they're all chill with everyone.

The sad thing about Dani is that I grew up with her, watching her do dumb shit and making mistakes and I always helped her through her shit. I took on the role of almost like a big sister since we have an almost two year age gap.

However, now she has to play this fucking persona for the public that she has to put it on. She has to be this badass kid with no manners or respect for anyone. She has to act like fucking trash all the time for the cameras, but deep down?

That's not her at all. I mean, she can be hot-headed at times, just like me, but she isn't nearly as bad as the role that she has to put on. The only reason she's doing all this shit is because of all the money she makes from this. I feel so bad for her because I know she wants to be the real her, but she's literally stuck playing this person she isn't. And her management team won't let her be the real her either.

I don't know how she does this shit. All the ridicule, backlash, nasty comments she faces online would be too much for me. She's literally one of the strongest people I know.

And since few people know that she's not actually that person she pretends to be, this is why she's having two different birthday parties. One was for the public, and this one is for her to actually enjoy herself with no fake shit or superficial friendships.

Which is why I actually wanted to come to this kickback since I fuck with nearly everyone here.

"Y'all wassup!" I shout as I approach the living room where most of the people are gathered together.

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