until I graduate

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Jimin POV

Okay... what to do. its my first year of college, and im already lost in the halls of the dormitories. why does it have to be so confusion?? im mad, and nervous what if poeple dont like me? i mean we are adults, so poeple did grow out of bullying. i hope.

???:"hey you looking for something?"

jimin:"ah- yes um dorm 329?"

???:"oh right over here to your left then turn right."

jimin:"thank you!"

i was not hoping to socialize this year. but then again i am growing.....right? Other then my height im growing ok!

i unlock the dorm to see one innocent looking guy then a guy that will seriously come for you and rip your head off. They both just stared at me. I know one of them caught my eye. And for the rest of the day we couldn't stop staring at eachother, and I didn't even know his name?!

Finnally something happened.

Yoongi:"why are you looking at me?"

Jimin:"you where looking at me..."

Yoongi:"because you where looking at me. Der"

Jimin:"I was looking at you because you where looking at me look at you."

Jungkook turned around

Jungkook:"the frick did you just say. That was very weird."

Jimin:"Aish! It's human interaction between eyes... because the force...the um..."

The force seriously?! Why couldn't I say anything else.

Yoongi:"the force between one tiny person and another tinier person."

I took it seriously and looked him in the eye giving him my death stare.

Yoongi:"o- you look scary when you angry. I'm sorry o-"

Jimin:"that's RiGhT!"

Jungkook:"it's getting late you two we should go to bed."

Yoongi:"I'm the oldest here. So I say jimin clean up while I play games and you go to sleep. There."

Jungkook:"oh yeah? And I'm the strongest here, want me to beat you up hm??" Jungkook says rubbing yoongis head. It makes me pretty jealous so there I am waiting.

Jimin:"Stop Don't Rub hi-"

Jungkook glances at me then at yoongi.

Jungkook:"jimin don't tell me you lik-"

Jimin:"we can discuss it another time Jungkook!"

Jungkook:"I think we need to discuss it now. Come with me. ASAP."

I follow running Jungkook outside of the dormitories.

Jungkook:"so you like min yoongis???"

Jimin:"yes...I know it's my first day here and classes didn't even start.. and I know I just met him a few hours ag-"

Jungkook:"Jimin shut up!"

| Jungkook walks away pushing back tears |

Jungkook POV

I was... I don't know... Terrible...I was sad.. I couldn't stand not being with...I just..

He doesn't remember me.

PAST 20 years ago

Jungkook:"hey jimin lwook at da widdle stars I hope we can cwimb up to them one daye!"

Jimin:"I'll alway be dare Jungkook until we rweach the ski!"

Jungkook:"stay forewver jimiwn!"



Or maybe he's avoiding me?? I missed the only little baby jimin... I loved him. I still love him... Aish I need to ask if he remembers me.

i walk up the stairs to the dormitory, i saw jimin crying.

jimin:"im sorry jungkook! i didnt forget you! im sorry, i know how you feel i dont feel the same!" jimin didn't seem to notice i was here as he was sitting down digging his head into this knees.

jungkook:"ah jimin why are you crying. i see you as a friend silly! we are in college now. forget love life until i graduate!"

jimin looks up, wipes his tears then walks away.

the second i walk into the dorm i see suga sitting on his bed staring at a lighter.

jungkook:"going to smoke again?"

suga smiles "yeah man, i need to focus on my studies. this is the only way."

jungkook:"put that down suga its not good for you. jimin wouldn't like it if you died early."

suga stares at me and throws his lighter.

i look back at suga then at the lighter.


suga:"where you come from?"

jungkook:"you came outta nowhere."

jimin:"yeah. its also pretty late we should get some sleep so that we have the energy for our classes. speaking of which, what majors are yall in?"

suga:"im a piano major."

jungkook:"mechanics, i am in taekwondo and wish to be a taekwondo coach one day but for now i gotta make real money."

jimin gets on the bed. "makes since. ah im tired goodnight."

jungkook: "goodnight jimin."

suga turns off the lights with the lightswitch by his bed. "goodnight."

I was still wide awake thinking of jimin. Staring at the ceiling, missing him even though he was right next to me. Devastated that he can't feel love for me. I just hope he can truly feel my arura of love for him. But for now I wanna destroy suga. I want to kill him. We where friends for so long nut now I just hate him! He had to steal the most important person to me! i. hate. Min. yoongis.

Thinking of all these things made me overwhelmed and tired. After a few hours I closed myeyes and went to sleep.

Morning in the dorm

Jimin POV

I was the only one awake. I woke up pretty early I was about to go to sleep until *ding* I checked my phone seeing I had got a text message from an unknown number. 

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