Chapter 1

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        When I was three I cracked my first code.

        When I was seven I accidentally hacked into the CIA.

        When I was nine I was able to follow my dad through the mall to find out what he was getting me for my birthday, undetected.

        Everyone inherits traits from their parents, but as you can see mine are a bit more...unique. My name's Goode, Morgan Goode.

        No, I am not a boy. I am the daughter of CIA field operatives, Cameron and Zachary Goode. They are two top living field operatives, keyword: living. I'm a spy too, or at least, one in training once I start spy school.

        The Gallagher Academy for Exceptional Young Women is, technically, a school for geniuses, not spies, and the girls are free to pursue any career that befits their exceptional education. If you believe that, you might not be cut out for the spy life.

        Before I can follow in my family footsteps I have to practice the most essential part of being a spy, the paperwork. Mom and Dad always said that the danger isn't what spies fear the most, it's the paperwork. So that's why I'm writing this, to get a jump start (and my punishment from Grandpa Joe for hacking CIA case files...again, he also conphiscated my computer to prevent any temptation of hacking).

         Mom got back from her assignment in Madrid last week and Dad's still in Bolivia following a lead on a case dealing with the smuggling of illegal weapons into Beunos Airies (computers aren't my only means of hacking). Due to the whole spy thing I don't really get to see my parents that often and with me about to start boarding school I doubt I'll see them at all, at least, for a while.

        As a result, I often spend my summers with my grandparents which, at times, can be uneventful. Then again when both your grandparents are retired CIA agents, nothing is ever uneventful, especially with Uncle Matt around. Just this summer Grandma and Grandpa Joe taught us kids the art of brush passing, well they taught me, for Uncle Matt it was a refresher.

        That particular evening Uncle Matt took it upon himself to teach me another important art of espionage. 

        "Morgan Goode, but the knives down," Grandpa Joe said.

        Mine and Uncle Matt's gaze shifted to Grandpa Joe, who was leaning against a tree and a glare fixated on Uncle Matt..a

        "Dad, how nice of you to join us. We were just-"

        "Zip it, Matt. look you two we've had to visit the emergency room nine times this summer and I would greatly appreciate it if we could prevent making it an even ten," Grandpa Joe said.

         "But Grandpa we weren't..." I trailed off when he set the glare on me.

        Uncle Matt was in the process of teaching me the Lincoln knife throwing technique (the first lady of course), which is the process of throwing three knives at the same time to hit the same spot on a target.

        "Last thing your grandmother and I need is another child nearly killing themselves with that technique," Grandpa said.

        "It was one time! In my defense if you and Mom taught it to me back then that whole incident could've been avoided," Uncle Matt argued.

        "You were seven," Grandpa said flatly.

        "Exactly!" Uncle Matt said as if Grandpa just proved his point. "Look at Morgan, before today she had never even heard of this technique until now."-turns to me-"Next time I see your dad remind me to ask him how he could deny you this right of passage."

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