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"Zach have you seen my Cartier bracelet the gold one." I asked while going through our jewelry box.

"This one." He asked while holding up my bracelet.

"Oh you're my life saver baby what would I do without you." I smiled walking over to him and grabbing the bracelet. "I love you."

"I love you to my queen." He smiled pressing his lips on mine. "Now we are going swimming so there's no point in wearing the very expensive bracelet into the ocean."

"Right right baby." I smiled pecking his lips. I walked over to our jewelry box and put my bracelet in the box. "I think we need to get this ring sized again."

"To big." Zach asked while holding my hand.

"Yeah it's gonna stay here so it doesn't fall off okay." I smiled putting the ring in the box.

"Then would you like your old ring back." He asked going into the bedside table.

"If it still fits I think I'm losing weight." I sighed and he handed me my ring.

"All you do is eat ice cream that's impossible." He chuckled putting the ring on my finger.

"What if I'm lactose intolerant." I asked and he shook his head no.

"Then it would have happened before now." He sighed. "Better."


"Okay so stop eating so much ice cream you need solid food because ice cream is pretty much a liquid diet." He chuckled running his fingers through my hair.

"Ice creams supposed to make me fat." I sighed while grabbing a bikini from our dresser.

"Are you trying to get fat." He asked and I shook my head no.

"No that wasn't what I was going for I still look like a 15 year old baby same height and same weight before the pregnancy and now I'm losing even more and it won't stop I shed like two pounds a day and soon I'll be nothing and I don't know what to do because I hate being this small and it's annoying that I keep losing weight when I don't want to." I explained and Zach nodded.

"Hey focus on today and we will figure this out tomorrow Okay." He smiled running his fingers through my hair. "Okay baby."

"Okay." I sighed and he pecked my lips.

"Wear this one." He smiled holding up my blue bikini. "It compliments your eyes."

"Really." I asked and he nodded. "Alright."

"So you're going to a hospital for what exactly." Daniel asked and I sighed.

"I'm losing weight when I'm trying to gain weight I'm 98 pounds I was 110 pounds when I was 15 so I could have a eating disorder ice cream makes you gain weight right well not for me I'm losing more." I explained and they nodded.

"Like anorexia." Corbyn asked and I shrugged.

"The thing with that is that I keep food down when someone is anorexic they can't keep food down but that's not the case but it also could be anorexia because of the fact I can't gain weight but I don't know." I sighed while biting my nail.

"What if it's just anxiety you know like stress weight loss that's a thing right." Jack asked and I shrugged.

"Yes but I'm not stressed."

"You're stressed." The doctor said while looking at my chart.

"What the heck I'm not stressed there's nothing to be stressed about." I sighed while running my fingers through my hair.

"You have a baby girl right you said she's 3-4." The doctor said and I nodded. "Well your boyfriend-."

"Husband." I corrected and he nodded.

"Husband right you're doing this young and he's about to go on tour you said leaving you and you baby at home alone for a while and it's gonna be the first time you're alone with her without any kind of help and your anxiety levels are high which would cause you to lose weight you were trying to gain weight but you've been really active causing the weight loss and ice cream isn't the best thing if that all you're eating relax and eat healthy meats vegetables and fruits you're perfectly healthy." He explained and I nodded letting out a sigh. "I know it's a scare but nothing is wrong with you so get home to your kid and husband relax and eat you'll be back to a healthy weight in about a month."

"I was getting scared for a minute I really thought something was wrong with me." I sighed.

"You're fine so get yourself home." He chuckled  walking out of the room.

Pregnant at 15// Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now