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"How the-How'd you do that." Jonah asked watching me to like five back handsprings and a backflip.

"Did you forget she did cheer." Zach asked while putting his hands on his hips.

"It's been a while and I hurt my wrist." I chuckled while sitting in the sand.

"Well that's what you get for being a show off." Jack laughed sticking his tongue out at me.

"Haha." I smiled. "I'm gonna go get ice cream so who's gonna come with me."

"Nobody." Jack laughed while throwing a football with Jonah and Corbyn.

"Oh come on Zach will you come What if a guy try's to hit on me." I smiled looking at Zach. Zach sighed and pointed to Jordan.

"Instant cock block." Zach smiled and I rolled my eyes looking at Jordan.

"Jordan want some ice cream." I smiled while standing up and looking at Daniel and Jordan playing in the sand. "Daniel can you come please."

"No you gotta go with Jordan." Jack laughed and I rolled my eyes picking up jordan.

"What if the guy likes babies." I asked looking at Zach.

"Then you're married remember." Zach smiled and I rolled my eyes and walked away.

"Your dad is working my nerves." I chuckled putting my sunglasses on and looking at Jordan.

"He always does." Jordan laughed laying her head on my shoulder.

"Yeah." I sighed while grabbing my card from my phone case. I sat Jordan's down and she held onto my hand. We ordered our ice cream and waited.

"Now I want ice cream." Zach said while walking over to me.

"Mmm I'm mad at you." I said while rolling my eyes.

"For what not coming with you to get ice cream." Zach laughed taking Jordan from me.

"Yes making me come alone." I sighed and he pecked my lips.

"I'm sorry but I'm here now so you can't be mad anymore." He laughed putting his arm around my shoulders.

"Mmhm." I sighed putting my head on his chest.

"Jordan don't bite me." Zach said while looking at Jordan. She just laughed and he rolled his eyes. "You did this."

"Technically you did that." I chuckled grabbing mine and Jordan's ice cream.

"Don't technically me." Zach sighed and set Jordan down. "I'll be back in a sec."

"Alright come on Jordan." I smiled handing Jordan her ice cream. She smiled and we walked back to the guys.

"There was a guy looking at your butt and he got mad." Corbyn said while throwing the back to Jonah.

"His fault he didn't wanna come." I sighed while sitting down.

"True just watch the girls around him la girls love married guys." Jack laughed and I rolled my eyes looking at Zach.

"Shut up Jack Zach wouldn't do that to her no matter the circumstances." Daniel said while dipping his finger in my ice cream. "My favorite."

"You've got to be kidding I walked all the way up there and all the way back just so you can stick you finger in it." I scoffed handing him my ice cream.

"Don't worry Zach knows you he'll come back with the ice cream you live and Daniel hates." Jonah laughed and I nodded. "Or he'll just give you some of his."

"Facts." Corbyn laughed while throwing the ball to me.

"I am not in this game." I laughed throwing Jack the ball.

"Really Daniel." Zach asked while sitting beside me.

"I couldn't resist bro I'm sorry." Daniel laughed and Zach hand me a ice cream.

"Thanks babe." I smiled laying my head on his shoulder.

"Zach come play with us Daniel doesn't do football and it's weird with only three people." Jonah said while throwing Zach the ball.

"I'm eating ice cream right now." Zach said while catching the ball with one hand.

"I'll eat your ice cream." I laughed going for his ice cream.

"No ma'am you will not." Zach said while turning away from me.

"Oh come on Zach." Jack said while taking the call from him.

"Fine don't eat my ice cream." Zach said while pointing at me.

"Yes sir." I chuckled and he set his ice cream down and stood up and played around with the guys.

"Stop moving Jordan you got ice cream all over yourself and now you're all sticky." I sighed while putting Jordan into the bathtub.

"I don't want bath." Jordan squirmed and I gave her mommy evil eyes. You know the look our mom gives you when you've messed up big time and scares you. Yeah those.

Pregnant at 15// Zach HerronWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt