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"How'd I get a F if I got all the answers right Dad this isn't fair you can't do this it isn't right." I said while throwing my test down on his desk.

"One you're not my daughter until you come home and leave that boy alone and two I can do whatever I want in my class room." My dad chuckled and I rolled my eyes taking the test off his desk and walking out. I walked up to the office.

"What do need Mrs.Herron I can't believe your last names Herron." The secretary smiled and I nodded awkwardly.

"I need to talk to the principal is he free." I asked and she nodded.

"Go back." She smiled and I walked back to his office.

"Emery What can I help you with." He asked and I laid the test down on his desk.

"I got all the answers correct I checked it with a friend who got a 100 it's my fathers class and he's mad because I won't come home is there a way to get my classes switched to another teacher." I asked and he nodded.

"I'll figure something out go to class." He smiled and I nodded. "I need the test to."

"Okay." I sighed and walked out of his office. I walked down the hall really bummed out. I guess it's just the fact he has the guts to do that to me. It sucks really bad. But I'd rather be in this spot then go back where my baby isn't wanted or my relationship with Zach isn't wanted.

Their my whole life right now. And Zach's losing a lot because of me. The other guys moved to la so they could start a band. They wanted Zach to come but he said that he was waiting for me to graduate. I don't want him to put his life on hold just because he got me pregnant and now he doesn't want to leave. It's sweet really sweet. But I guess it's the fact that it could be guilt. Like he feels bad about getting me pregnant but he was happy but still regrets it. Because now his life is out on hold. It all stopped because of me.

I told him to go,go to la with the boys but he wouldn't do it. We got into a argument for a hour of us yelling at each other. And then I realized that I was just pushing him away. And I can't have that for Jordan's sake. Everything is so hectic right now. Jordan's started crawling so we stayed up till 3am one night baby proofing Myta's house. I think I'm the one guilt ridden. I mean think really hard. All I had to do was get rid of the baby wether it was a abortion or putting it in foster care. But both of those this suck. Their not good.

"You're late Mrs.Herron." My teacher said while I walked in the door.

"I went to the office I was sorting out a grade." I sighed walking to my seat.

"Why the office why not the teacher." He asked and I sighed.

"I got all the correct answers on a test but my father Tom Thomas yes him he failed me so I'm just trying to fix my grades." I smiled and he nodded.

"Mmm Zach what's this." I asked picking up a picture of us.

"Us on a piece of paper in a frame because it's our first family picture together." He smiled and I nodded putting the picture down. I walked over to the bed and laid down on my stomach and let out a groan. "What happened today."

"My dad gave me a F on a test that I should have made a A on because I won't come home or go back to that hell hole and you know I didn't expect people to actually call me Mrs. Herron while in school but I got called Mrs.Herron not once but twice today and it's not that I don't like it it's just that it's unexpected like really it always catches me off guard." I sighed while Zach scratched my back.

"Well I don't know what to tell you on that but it'll get better only a few more months and you won't see your dad in class and you should take pride into being Mrs.Herron because I was the king of the school and now you're the Queen." He smiled and I nodded.

"You have really big shoes to fill how did you not fail." I asked and he shrugged.

"I guess the teachers liked me." He smiled and leaned down and pecked my lips. "I love you Beautiful."

"Love you to baby." I smiled turning on my back and looking at him.

"What." He asked confused.

"I just like your eyes." I smiled and he rolled his eyes.

"You don't like my brown eyes."

"Oh I don't Their the first thing I noticed about you and then I noticed your face and I was like damnnn he's hot I just gotta get with him." I smiled and he rolled his eyes again.

"Jordan is gonna have bad attitude problems." He laughed and I nodded.

"Very." I smiled and he pecked my lips again.

Pregnant at 15// Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now