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"Honey what's wrong." My mom asked while rubbing my back.

"I think I'm having contractions or Braxton Hicks it hurts like hell." I groaned while putting my hand on my stomach. It's to early for this shit. I was about to get ready for school. The worst part about this is that Zach's parents made him stay at home last night because they haven't seen him in a while.

"Okay well start counting I'll be back with your bags." She sighed walking upstairs. They were four minutes apart. I don't even remember my water breaking. So it could be Braxton Hicks but my water could have broke while I was in the shower and I just didn't know. "How far apart are they."

"Four minutes." I sighed while taking a sip of my water.

"Start making calls I'll put the bags in the car." She smiled handing me my phone. I called Zach first of course.

The call

Z-Hey baby isn't early to be calling are you okay.

Yeah but I'm having contractions and-

Z-you're calm about having contractions.

E-no I'm not calm I'm waiting for my mom and the next one can you tell your parents so I don't have to call them.

Z-yeah we'll see you at the hospital love you princess.

E-love you to baby.

End of call

I debated on calling my dad or not. But I caved and called him anyway. He probably wouldn't come but he deserves to know that I'm going into labor.

"Hey princess how are you." Zach smiled running up to me and helping me out of the car.

"Low key wanna die." I chuckled and he laughed. He closed the car door and grabbed one of the bags from my mom. We started to walk in and I saw my dads car pull into the parking lot.

"Did you call him."Zach asked and I nodded.

"I didn't expect him to come I thought he'd bail he didn't even answer I left a message." I sighed and my mom walked over to me.

"He's just gonna day Hey congratulations then go I called him." She sighed and I raised my eyebrows.

"He's here because of you how come he didn't answer me but he answered you." I asked and she nodded.

"I'm sorry he didn't answer but we don't have time to chitchat we gotta get you signed in." She sighed and I nodded.

"One more push princess." Zach said while I squeezed his hand. I never wanna give birth again this is hell.

"And here's your baby girl." One of the nurses smiled while putting her in a swaddle. Zach and I have been arguing between two names. Lola and Lilith but would go by Lili. "Have you picked a name."

"We're working on it." Zach chuckled while looking at her.

"I say Lilith but go my Lili or the name Jordan." I smiled and Zach sighed.

"We just got it back down to two names stop adding things-Jordan you say see Now we agree on something." Zach sighed I let out a weak laugh.

Zach's pov

"Doctor shes crashing." The nurse said while tapping the doctors shoulder.

"Get him out of here." The doctor said while pointing to me. This isn't supposed to happen. The nurses escorted me to the waiting room and everyone looked at me funny.

"What happened." Her mom asked and I shrugged.

"When she had the baby she crashed and then they made me leave what's going to happen." I asked while looking up at her mom.

"Oh honey she's gonna be okay." She smiled while rubbing my back. Her mom sucks at lying. She better not leave me I still need her. She's my beautiful princess and one day she'll be my beautiful queen. She's the mother of my baby.

Pregnant at 15// Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now