Chapter 6 : N e w F l a m e P a r t 2

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A u t h o r N o t e : The man above is B E A U T I F U L, if I only knew his name, I would totally tell you guys. He is something else for real. But he plays as Mr Gonzalez (the dad)

She disobeyed my orders, she talked to almost about every guy in this damn club, and I was on the edge of my fucking seat, when she came back to the VIP section horribly drunk. She was starting to piss me off. For one she was embarrassing me in front of all my fellow friends, and two she's a lady she supposed to act like one, damn it.
At this point I want to get out of here and fire her, but I can't. I can't just do that because I made a freaking good deed of a promise to my mother.
I grabbed her by her arm, told the fellas I was taking her home, and walked out of the club.

"Hey, you're hurting me", she slurred, while I continued to drag her by her arm.
"Hey stop! You're walking to fast!" She began to beat on my arm, at this post I decide to through her on my shoulders, she hits very manly.

"Ohhhh, you have a nice ass" then she start to laugh. At this moment I don't think nothing is funny, not at all. I'm highly upset with her, and when she sober up in the morning I'm going to give her hell on wheels for this alternation.

As we enter our suite, I decide to put Nadia in her room, since she was sleep. After I did that, I went to my room and prepared my self for an early wake up, and to get on her nerves.

I woke up at six o' clock, to get everything I have in store for Miss Nadia ready. After a quick wash up, I went into her room to make sure she was still sleeping, and to my surprise she was in a deep sleep. This makes my plan even better. I went into the kitchen grab two pots, and walked back up to the stairs.
Even though she looked so peaceful, it was time for freaking pay back. So I start smashing and banging the pans together.

"Hey WHAT THE FUCK" she screamed at the top of her lungs.
"Don't "hey what the fuck" me. Did you forget you embarrass the hell out of me last night? After I have you instructions. Get the hell up. We have a freaking meeting at ten, and bring a pen and a notepad. You're writing down everything, everybody says and does!" I yelled.
I slammed the door to her room, after I finish yelling at her.
I went to the kitchen and made me only some breakfast and walk right back up to my room. When I past her room I heard the shower running, which probably means she's about to use all the hot water. Which means I'm going to be late to the meeting and that's a hell to the no. I hurried up and finish my breakfast and hop in the shower, so I can at least have some of the hot water, but by the time I enter the shower the hot water was gone, and I had to take a cold shower. She's going to regret that too.

When it's was nine-thirty Nadia was already down stairs waiting on me to come on, with her black Red Bottoms on, a red flannel pencil skirt on, and black silky tee. She look miserable, but look horrible good.

"Are you ready to go" I asked with smile on my face. She just gave me a sly smile and a head nod.

When we got to the meeting, she began to write every thing down, from what I said to what my co workers said, to what the main client said. By the end of the meeting she look horribly tired and ready to go home, but I wasn't done torching her just yet.

"Nadia before we go back to America we have to visit my grandmother. When we get there please don't introduce your self, stay quiet unless she asked you or I ask you a question. Don't talk to anyone else, or you'll be fired, okay?" I smirked, watching her roll her eyes.

When I arrived to my nana's house, I could already smell the aroma of Paella, Patatas Bravas, and Empanadas, which made my stomach or Nadia's stomach grumble in hunger.

"Oh my Hijo, I've been waiting for you to come all day" she says as I enter the door.
"Hi grandma," I said as I gave her a kiss on the cheek and walked straight in the kitchen.
"Oh grandson is this your lovely fiancé", she asked.
"Oh no grandma! My fiancé is very delightful, and gorgeous." I yelled from the kitchen.

"Mhm, well this one right here is beyond gorgeous. Anyway when will get to meet the lady that's going to give me my great grand kids?" She said, while entering the kitchen.
"I don't know, soon grandma. Soon." I started to fix me a plate of Paella, with some Empanadas on the side.

I waited for Nadia to come in the kitchen but she never did, instead she just stood in the living room. "Baby why don't you come in here?", my grandmother as Nadia.

"I'm sorry about that. I just wasn't invited in here, that's all" Nadia said, flashing my grandma one of her famous pearly white smiles.
"Oh darling come in here, and get you some food, I can tell you're starving." My grandma stood and began making Nadia a plate.

"Thank you! This is so good Ms ?"
"Call me nana honey" my grandma said.
"Well thank you nana" she said.
"Hijo why won't you make this beautiful thing your wife? She's so respectful and I bet ever body love her at home. As she met your mother and father?" Grandma asked.

"She's met my father and David, but not the rest" I said. Now thinking, that my mother still haven't met her and that I needed to go see her. For a matter of second, I don't even know why I would like for her to meet my mother, she's not my fiancé or future wife. Just my freaking sectarian.

"Mhm, I see darling. But I believe she'll make a great wife to you or one of your brothers, but mostly you. So think about it grandson." She said. Nadia just looked at the both of us with a amusement in her eyes.
  I'm not going to lie Nadia is so fucking gorgeous, yes she's wife material, but I really don't know her well enough for her to be my wife. I know she puts up with my mood swings... I think, and I know she puts up with everything I throw at her but she's different, she makes me wonder all the time. Sometimes I even wonder if I'm falling for her or not. I really don't know, but I right now, I can't wait to get back home, take me shower, and go to bed with a nagging fiancé.

  When six o clock hit, I told my nana good bye, interrupting her and Nadia's conversation about kids, and guiding Nadia to the front door.

"I'll be back soon nana" I said, blowing her a kiss.

"Bring Nadia back too" she said with a genuine smile .

I nodded. When we got back to the hotel, we have an hour to get pack and make it to the airport.
  To say that was the most quickest quietest hour ever, would be strange, but hey it was.

"When we get back, you can go straight home, but tomorrow morning come straight towards my house, and then you can have the rest of weekend off" I said. She just nodded her head. As we started to board plane, Nadia pulled out her phone and her head phones, and grabbed her bags.
  When the plane took off she was fast asleep with music blasting out of her head phones. I decided to take a little cat nap too, since I was dirt butt tired and have lots to do when we land.

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