Chapter 18: professional

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I went back to the library in a hurry, ignoring the thoughts that protruded into my head like annoying little flies. I pulled out the tablet that Merlin had given me and began to match up the dogs with their owners, writing who had chosen which puppy.

Suddenly, I got a message from Merlin on my tablet. "Vivian, please meet me in the hospital wing ASAP -Merlin" thankful for the distraction, I immediately got out of my seat and rushed into the main corridor of the headquarters, cursing how large it was as I scrambled to make my way there.

I met up with Merlin and another man outside a set of doors. He was much older, with white hair and the same set of glasses that everyone else who was someone wore around here.

"Vivian, this is Arthur, if you're familiar with the story King Arthur you'll know he's in charge around here." Merlin said. Arthur looked at me and nodded slightly, but he did not look too happy that I was there. "Now what you are about to see is a delicate matter,  not to be discussed outside of us, and Eggsy." I nodded in understanding, not sharing my thoughts of having Eggsy on the inside, as to remain professional in front of this man who did not like me.

"After you." Arthur Said, holding the door open for Merlin and I. We stepped into the hospital room, where I saw Harry laying on the hospital bed, hooked up with wires and tubes and all sorts of things that made me uncomfortable.

"What happened to him?" I asked, turning to Merlin.

"We are trying to figure that out, please be observant and take notes Vivian, thank you" I assumed that was Merlin's way of politely telling me to shut the fuck up and let the professionals talk. I could take a hint. I pulled out my tablet and began to jot notes down of the conversation. Merlin sent me a copy of his MRI and other medical testing they had done, I highlighted them and took notes.

"His MRI showed no signs of concussion" Merlin said to Arthur, I looked at the sheet he had sent me, trying to comprehend what was on it. Having any sort of medical background would have been helpful, as most of the stuff I knew about doctors was from TV shows. "No direct brain trauma at all"

"How much longer can he be out for?" Arthur asked, glancing at Harry. I looked at Harry again,  frowning as I saw all of the things he was hooked up to.

"That's the million dollar question, we don't know what he was exposed to in there." I looked at the charts, they certainly did look confusing. I saw one part that read "inconclusive" and assumes that was what they were referring to under cause.

"What about Harry's footage? It didn't stream to his home terminal"

"Encrypted and uncrackable" Merlin said in a defeated voice. Eggsy walked in just as Merlin was finishing up his thoughts on how to access it if Harry woke up, which I made a note to ask Merlin about later.

"Is he alright?" Eggsy asked, looking first at Harry and then between Merlin and I. I looked down to my tablet, pretending to take notes and silently passing the questions to Merlin.

"You need to have patience, Eggsy. There's hope." Merlin said, stepping closer to the boy. Eggsy looked at Merlin sadly then turned his gaze to Harry. "If I were you I'd focus on your training, make him proud" Eggsy nodded. He looked to me for comfort, I shot him a sad smile in support.

Merlin nodded to Eggsy, letting him know that he was dismissed. Eggsy looked at me and then Harry one last time before nodding goodbye and leaving the room.

"Vivian," Merlin said, making me look up at him.  "I'm going to put you in charge of monitoring him. If you need to do additional research on how to do that, as well as comprehend updates from the nurses, please do so. I don't expect you'll be needing to monitor the puppies anymore." I nodded vigorously, already tapping away at notes on my tablet.

"Merlin, will you follow me to my office?" Arthur asked the man. Merlin nodded, giving me a brief nod goodbye before following him out, leaving me along with my tablet and the unconscious man on the bed.

I sighed, taking a seat next to him, and pulled up a website on nursing for beginners to begin my research,

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2019 ⏰

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