Chapter 9: Party

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I went home soon after that.

Eggsy and Harry had gone into the dressing room, and based on what I've seen of Harry, I didn't know if they would ever come out.

I made my way home, wondering what I was going to do with my life now. Reflecting over everything, I realized how much time I really spent with him. I mean, we were just those people that were always together "oh, here comes Eggsy and Viv." We heard wherever we went.

Eggsy and Viv, Viv and Eggsy.

I pushed open the door to my apartment, making my way inside. The other apartments around me were eerily quiet, as if they too were acknowledging that something was not right, something was different. Even Dean didn't have anything to shout about tonight. 

I made myself a cup of tea, grabbing one of the CD's Eggsy had left on the counter just that morning. I popped one in to the radio, letting the drop of the base cover up the lingering sound of loneliness. I couldn't even make myself read a book, not that I enjoyed reading. I rather hated it. But typically on the brink of boredom I would manage to pick up my old copy of "The Great Gatsby" But tonight was different. I felt empty, and lonely, I didn't know what to do.

I usually would never react this way to anything. I mean, I had gone weeks at a time without seeing Eggsy, due to work or something else that took up my time. Maybe it was the fact that I knew I couldn't just walk over and he would be there, he was gone. Really gone.

I eventually dozed off in my chair, tea long forgotten as it grew cold on the coffee table.

I woke up later to knocking at my door. I didn't know how long I had been out for, or who was on the other side of the door. At first I thought it could be Eggsy, maybe he had come back, maybe things didn't work out with Mr. Hart. But the knocking was softer, less prominent and sure of it's cause. Eggsy never knocked like that.

I got up, shoving some hair that had wandered it's way onto my face, and opened up the door. To my surprise, it was Jamel who waited on the opposite side of the wood. "Hey bruv," I mumbled, "What're ya doing here?"

Jamel smiled, "There's a party tonight, wanted to know if you 'n Eggsy wanted to join us." By "us" I assumed he meant Ryan, who by the looks of it appeared to be meeting us later on in the evening.

"Uhm, sure." I said, rubbing my eye, "I mean, Eggsy ain't here, but I'll go." Not bothering to change, I stepped outside, pausing next to Jamel. He looked at me before taking off, leading the way. I wondered if I would ever get the chance to lead someone down the steps at one point. Between Eggsy and Jamel, it seemed I was always a follower.

"So where's Eggsy at?" Jamel asked as we stepped onto the street. I knew it would be a bad idea to tell him about Harry Hart and the spy-thing Eggsy had gotten involved in, luckily I had the skills to think of a quick cover-up.

"He got a job." Okay, maybe not so quick after all.

Jamel stared at me in confusion. "A job? Eggsy? Y' sure we're talking 'bout the same person here?" Eggsy never had a job, said he never would.

"Uh, yeah. He didn't tell you?" I asked, doing my best to hide any uncertainty, "Few weeks ago he got an interview at some fancy job a few towns over. Just left this evening." Jamel scrunched up his nose, still having a hard time believing it.

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