Chapter 4-GTA

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(A/N: Listen to the song in the media at the car scene! It's the one they use in the movie and I love it!)

The morning came with music playing softly from the kitchen, instantly putting me in a better mood. I yawned, lifting my head up off of the comfort of the pillow. The clock next to my bed glowed, reading 11:23, the latest I've slep in a long time.

In the kitchen, Eggsy was leaning up against the uneven counter, flipping through part of my CD collection. "Your music sucks." He said, replacing a 'good morning'. "Oh, and, I made tea. I think." He said, using the CDs as a pointer to two steaming cups. I picked one up, watching him make faces as he continued browsing my music. 

"It's techno!" I said defensively, frowning at the faces he was making at them. Eggsy looked at me, raising an eyebrow. "What?" 

 "It's shit, Vivie, that's what't is." He laughed, placing the CD's down. 'Vivie' was my other nickname, one I didn't really like people using, but I reluctantly allowed Eggsy to use it. 

"Well 'ts better than that gangster rubbish you an' th' boys always'r listen'n to!" I chittered, getting rather annoyed with the boy in my kitchen. Eggsy just chuckled, picking up the other cup of steaming liquid.

Clearly done with the pissing contest, I took a closer look at Eggsy's face, inspecting the damage from last night. "At least your face looks better." I commented. Now that the blood was gone, I could see that most of the damage was minor. A few scratches and bruises, and a little bit of a black eye, but Rottweiler and he crew decided to take it easy on him this time. 

Eggsy subconsciously touched one of the cuts by his temple. "Feels better." He stated, "How's your nose?" I shrugged, rubbing it while I gave him the 'so-so' sign. He gave me a sympathetic look bringing his hand back to the teacup. "This tea bloody sucks." He muttered, wrinkling his nose a bit. 

"No, you just suck at making tea." I reamrked, "Funny how th' American girl is better at making tea than the boy from London." Eggsy groaned, flipping me off. 

"ANYway...." He sighed, "What'r we doin' t'day? Wanna catch up wif Jamel'n Ryan?"

I shrugged, "Dunno, don't really feel like running int'a Rottweiler'n the other mugs t'day." I replied. Eggsy gave me a doleful look. "Oh don't gimme that face," I contended, "None of 't was your fault." Still, his face grew dark, something I didn't like to see on him. 

"Maybe it ain't such a good day t' go out anyways." Eggsy sighed, peering out the window at the rain, "Think I'll visit in wif my mum'n Daisy. But I'll catch ya later, Yeah?" I ddin't reply, not that Eggsy was looking for one anyways. He left in a bit of a hurry, and I felt my heart sink as I heard the door shut behind him. 

Sighing sadly, I resorted to tidying up my apartment, seeng as I had no other plans for the day. I cleaned all of the old cups of tea, and managed to straighten up all of the clothes that littered the furniture.

Looking outside, I noticed that it was now dark out, and only then did I realize how long I had been cleaning for. The house was still quite a mess, but at least now you were able to get around. Just as I was collecting a few of my CD's and placing them back on the shelf, a knock came to my door. 

"Eggsy," I muttered to myself, spotting him through the peephole, "Who else would it bloody be?" I was happy to see him, though, despite my seemingly bitter attitude. I grabbed my wallet, noticing the notes sticking out of his pocket, I knew we were probably meeting up with Jamel and Ryan at the Black Prince.

"Hey I knew you did't wanna go out earlier but-" 

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming wif." I interrupted, pushing past him to the steps. 

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