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Waking up with your arms around someone is nice. Really, really nice. Though it's a boy, it still gives me the same satisfaction as a girl. No, an even bigger satisfaction. I've never even questioned my sexuality until now. First, I find him attractive and now I'm questioning my sexuality and I've barely even known this guy for a day. I should just wait and see. But, back on topic, waking up with someone.

I've been alone for 5 months, and this is honestly the best feeling ever. I haven't noticed how lonely I felt until now. I open my eyes a smidge and look down at Calum. I look at his sleeping state; his dark hair is slightly ruffled, and his eyelashes lightly touch the top of his cheeks. His lips are pouted because his cheek is squashed against my chest, and he looks just overall really cute. Wait, I just called him cute. Oh well, he is. As creepy as it is, I continue to watch him sleep. I don't know why but I think it's better he's here now, I feel so much better than I have for the past 5 months.

He starts to move after a couple of seconds and I take my eyes away from him. He moves to a differrent spot before speaking,"Morning," He mumbles.

"Morning," I mutter back.

"M' hungry can we go eat?" He asks me.

"Sure, when you're ready, I don't mind," I tell him.

"I want to get up, but I don't want to because your chest is like a really comfy pillow," He says.

I laugh a little. He moves to sit up and he sits o the floor while I still lay down, and he rubs his eyes. He looks like a little baby. A really cute baby. Ugh, I have to stop.

"Ok, we can go now," Calum says and I get up and offer him a hand.

He takes it and we head out to hunt. As we step out the dawn sun hits up right in the face. I squint from the lighting change, since in the tree house there's no windows so its dark in there. We start to climb down the tree, him going first.

It's quite early in the morning, I check my watch and its around 5:30 am. Vampires don't really sleep for long I guess. Calum and I head out to the forest, we should be able to catch a fair bit since it's early. Calum nudges me with his elbow and I look at him. He puts a finger over his lip signalling me to be quiet and points over to a tree where I see a fox. I nod  to him and we start to creep up on it.

I pounce on it and sink my teeth into its neck. It tries to get away but fails and starts to die slowly. Calum goes onto th eother side of the fox and drinks from it also. Soon, the fox is drained form its blood and we leave it there in search of more animals.


After around an hour, Calum and I return to the tree house, just talking about random shit and joking around. I found out that he actually went to my school, I just never had seen him around. We laughed at how we wished we were friends before this. Once we got back inside the tree house we just sat down and continued talking.

"Have you ever thought about looking for another place? I mean where do you take showers?" Calum asked me.

"Well, there's actually a river a couple of minutes away, and I wash myself in that," I tell him," And, yes I have thought about looking for another place, but I'm scared it'll take forever, or I won't find one," I say.

"But you never know unless you go looking, what if there's some old abandoned house somewhere near? This tree house can't just randomly be put here unless its owned by someone ages ago," He suggests.

"I know, I know, but it could be miles away and I can't be bothered, if I want to cover alot of distance or find one before dark I would have to run the whole time," I explain.

"I guess you're right, but you don't seriously want to live here for your whole life do you?" He asks me.

"No, I guess not," I say.

"Then we need to go exploring," He says cheerfully.

"Maybe, not now though, maybe in a day or two, yeah?" I suggest.

"Alright," He agrees.

We talk for awhile more and we get to the relationships topic.

"I just don't get how we're gonna gett married or anything now," Calum pouts, cutely, may I add.

"Well, I don't know either, we may meet other vampires but I don't want to go and face humans ever again, it makes me lose my mind. And I hate the fact that I would have to turn the person I'm with in order for us to be together, so I don't have to stay my age and they age, just no, I handle it, it's too much," I ramble.

"I'm sure we'll figure something out, I mean we can't die alone- well I don't know if we can actually die- but you know what I mean," He tries to comfort me.

"But what about kids Calum?" I say, "How is that gonna work?"

"I don't exactly know Luke, I can't have my own biological kids anyway, so I have no idea," Calum tells me.

I furrow my eyebrows, "What do you mean you can't have your own biological kids?'

He widens his eyes," Shit, wasn't supposed to say that," He mumbles,"Um, okay, well, I-I uh, well, I'm uh, gay."

"Really? I didn't even expect that, well okay," I didn't even know what to say.

"Please don't feel uncomfortable, just cause I'm  gay doesn't mean I'm gonna try rape you or anything," He tells me, worridly.

"Nah man, I'm fine, I'm just a little shocked is all," I smile.

"Well, thats a relief," He sighs.

We sit in silence for awhile, not an awkward one, a comfortable one, filled with our thoughts. I'm really just confused. I don't know if I like Calum, if that means I'm gay or bi or whatever and it's really annoying. If I don't want to go back to humanity, and he's going to be staying with me for a long while, then who the hell are we going to date?

It's stresses me out so much, I just put my head in my hands and my emotions just pour out through my tears.

"Luke? Luke, c'mon, it's okay, shhh, don't cry," Calum comforts me.

He wraps his arms around me and sits me on his lap. I continue to cry into his arms, he rubs my back, trying to soothe me.

"I hate my life Calum and I'm not dying any time soon or even at all, I'm probably never going to get married or have kids and it fucking hurts thinking about that," I sob.

"Luke everythings going to be okay, please stop crying, it's hurting me so bad seeing you like this," Calum says.

I try to stop crying, I really do, but all I do is cry harder,"Please, Luke, try and calm down, here look at me," I look up at him,"Now do what I say okay? Breathe in,"

I breathe in.

"Now breathe out,"

I breathe out.

"Now keep breathing in and out," I do as he says and I feel myself calming down.

Once I calm down, Calum smiles sadly and wipes the tears away from under my eyes.

"It's okay, we're going to be okay, we'll just go along with whatever happens, life isn't perfect but neither are we and most people say that opposites attract so that's why life doesn't agree with us sometimes so we have to roll with it sometimes," He says.

"That was deep, and it makes sense I guess, so," I take a deep breath,"I'll try and live with it. But, I can't help but worry how it's gonna turn out for me, for you even," I say.

"It's  not worth worrying about, if we were meant to worry about the future we would know whats gonna happen, plus, we haven't even been vampires for a year yet, we still have a long way to go," He tells me.




 told you this was a fast paced story.

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Forest Boy ↛ 5sos Vampire AU (cake+mashton) (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now