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   (A/n: I know this is a cake story but the plot is obviously based around michael & luke, so this chapter will be some cake stuff because you all must be pissed that I dont update often ((its been three months)) and the story has had little cake in it so here ya go I'm sorry. p.s I changed the title so that it says cake and mashton in it instead of just cake so yeah. p.p.s this is gonna be third person bc i cbf writing in pov. p.p.p.s I'm also gonna start writing a little bit shorter chapters so I can spread out the plot more ya know also so that it will have more chapters and yeah.)

Nothing was really going on in the household where the four vampires lived. It was a quiet day, Ashton and Michael were cuddling on the couch downstairs and Luke and Calum were cuddling in Luke's bedroom upstairs. They were having their cuddly time. Since Luke and Calum had their date, they were on level ground that they were 'dating' but just not boyfriend and boyfriend yet, but that doesn't mean they can't cuddle. So, they were both on Luke's bed cuddling.

Whilst doing so, Luke was thinking how much his life has drastically changed in the last 6 months. He was turned into a vampire, because he stupidly walked home late at night, he then woke up and, sadly, killed his parents accidentally because of his hunger, and then passed out again. Then he ran away from the city, finding a tree house in the middle of the woods somehow and stayed there for months, feeding on any animals he could find, and then Calum randomly showed up at his tree house, after trekking through the forest after running away. It still made no sense to Luke as to why Calum would walk through a couple miles of forest after running away. What kinda teenage boy does that? But, either way he's happy that he did because he got to meet Calum who is slowly but surely falling for.

Calum was laying on top of Luke on the queen maybe double sized bed, their leg intertwined with each others. It was silent, and they were just enjoying each others presence. Enjoying each others warmth-well somewhat warmth since they were basically both dead. Oh well. Either way, they were enjoying being close to each other and that was all that mattered.

"Luke?" Calum speaks quietly.

"Yeah?" Luke replies.

"Do you think we'll be here forever?"

Luke is a bit off-put by the question,"I don't know."

He doesn't really want to live here forever, however he doesn't want to live with humans either, he doesn't want to be around them, he doesn't want to have to inhale the scent of their blood when he's around them, he just doesn't want to put himself in a situation where he is able to kill someone in the blink of an eye. He doesn't want to do the same thing he did to his parents to other people.

"I don't want to live here forever, Luke."

Luke sighed, and pressed a kiss on the top of Calum's head,"I know, I don't either, but we have the rest of time to live elsewhere, so don't fret."

Calum lifts his head up to look at Luke,"Do you think we'll love each other forever?"

Luke is surprised at the word 'love', he wasn't really sure if he loved Calum yet or not.

Calum sees the look on Luke's face, he purses his lips sheepishly,"Sorry, I don't know if its love yet, but you know what I mean?"

Luke nods,"Yeah, I don't think I'm in love just yet, but I don't know Calum, things change over time if it happens, it happens, if it doesn't, it doesn't, we should appreciate what we've got now because you don't know what you've got till it's gone."

Calum smiles a little,"Your so cheesy sometimes."

Luke smiles,"I know, makes me want to punch myself sometimes."

"It's cute."

"Whatever you say," Luke cheekily smiles.

Calum shifts and gets up to straddle Luke. Luke is surprised by the sudden change, and kinda gets turned on the slightest by the position they were in. Calum smirks and leans down to capture Luke's lips with his, and Luke is again, surprised. They move their lips together and keep doing so for a couple more seconds until Calum pulls away.

"Why so sudden?" Luke asks.

"I just felt like it," Calum replies.

"Fair enough."

Luke flips them over so Calum is underneath him, this time Calum being caught off guard. Their groin areas were against each other, and with such tight clothing they were wearing, if Luke moved against Calum, Calum may or may not get a boner.

"I much prefer this position," Luke smirks.

"I didn't think you could handle being the dominant," Calum teases.

"You sure about that?" Luke says, smirking.

Luke moves against Calum, grinding down. Calum lets out a small choked moan. He could feel himself getting hard. Luke was also getting turned on, but he didn't really think he was ready to take it further, plus Michael and Ashton were in the house, so he stopped and just settled for teasing Calum.

"Luuuuke, why'd you stop? Felt good," Calum whimpers.

Luke almost wanted to keep going at how Calum was acting but willed himself to not,"Because, Michael and Ashton are in the house, and lets not forget they can hear us because vampires, duh, and I don't want to take it further just yet, it's too soon."

Calum pouted,"Tease."

"You're the one who said I couldn't handle being dominant."

"Yeah, yeah, but you're still a tease."

Luke shrugged, "I like being a tease."

"I like you," Calum smiled cheekily.

Luke smiled and pecked Calum's lips, "I like you too."


Yeyyyy so yah that happened sorry for teasing you like Luke did to Calum aw. Its too soon for smut, which I'm warning you now, there is a high chance there will be Cake and Mashton smut, more likely cake but yeah.

Thanks for all the votes and reads I've gotten! I'm so sorry for not updating for three months I had writers block and I've been soososoososso busy and lazy im sorry love me.

But better late than never!

Comment thoughts on the chapter/story so far? I'd love some feedback x (if I deserve it of course ha)

Love you all,

Kiara Xx

Forest Boy ↛ 5sos Vampire AU (cake+mashton) (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now