Chapter 11

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*****WARNING***** this chapter has a reference to self harm.

Two and a half hours later Stephanie knows what is happening and is sitting beside me. i never thought that I'd be seeing Stephanie again. Scarlett left to go outside once Stephanie got here.

"Oh what happened honey? How did this happen?" She asks me. I smile sadly at her and the tears start to flow down my face. She doesn't say another word and just hugs me letting the tears fall.

"I'm really sorry Stephanie i shouldn't have let this happen again" I say

"Hey honey you cant help it. its not your fault" i nod at her

"its feels like it is" She just pulls me back into another hug.

"I want you to have fun with your friends for your holiday OK? I'm going to stay here with you so if anything happens i will be here. When you are ready come and talk to me. I am going to be here to make sure this doesn't happen again OK?" i nod at her. "Now go out to your friends and act like nothing wrong, I'm right here if you need me" I nod again and then go up to my room and change my clothes putting a one piece on and then chucking some clothes on over top of it. Once i change i go downstairs and out onto the beach. I sit down on the sand and watch everyone swimming and playing around in the water. When Scarlett spots me sitting on the beach she gets out of the water and comes and sits next to me.

"You OK now?" She asks bumping her shoulder against mine

"Yes" I say smiling. 'no' i think to myself. I know i should talk to Stephanie about it but i don't want to I'll just pretend like I'm fine. "The suns bothering my eyes, cause i have a really bad hangover so I'm gonna go inside" I Say to her. 'Stop lying' I say to myself but yet cant bring myself to actually tell her the truth. She nods at me and then runs back into the water. i go inside and into the bathroom. I lock the door and with shaky hands lock it. i pull out a blade that's in one of the draws by the basin. This is my fault. Jason hates me now i ruined our friendship, Brody hates me to all i can do is push people away. I put it against my wrist but then open the draw and chuck the blade in it slamming it shut. I lean against the door. I cant believe i almost did that! Someone starts rapidly knocking on the other side of the door but i cant bring myself to move just yet. I once again feel tears sliding down my cheeks. I am not going back to that place again I have loving friends even if Jase and Brody don't like me right now. I stand up and go over to the basin washing my face with cold water. I hold my head high and open the door.

"OMG! your OK. phew" Stephanie says. So she was the one banging on the door.

"Yup I'm fine" I say smiling at her brightly. This time i mean it i really am fine. "I'm gonna go out for a swim." I say. i go outside and take off my clothes leaving myself in my bikini. I run into the water and dive under swimming as far as i possible can. When i finally resurface i take in a huge gulp of air and turn around and see the worried faces of my friends. That's when i realize how far out i was. they probably thought i drowned or something. whoops. I swim back over to where they are, this time above the water.

"hey guys" i say

"hey are you good now?" Hannah asks me looking concerned. I nod at her and smile

"Yeah I'm good" i say.

"good" She reply's "you had me and I'm pretty sure everybody else worried" She says

"Sorry about that, I didn't mean to scare you guys" I say this time talking to everyone and not just Hannah.

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