Chapter 6

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Uh huh!

It's Iggy Iggs!

I got one more problem with you girl

One less one less!


Hey baby even though I hate ya!

I wanna love ya

I want you!

And even though I can't forgive you

I really want ta

I want you!

Tell me, tell me baby

Why can't you leave me?

Cause even though I shouldn't want it

I gotta have it

I want you!

Head in the clouds

Got no weight on my

I grab my phone "hello mother"

"why were you not at school yeaterday" my mother ladies and gentlemen straight to the point.

"what the hell why are you even ringing me its 3:00 in the morning" i say glancing at my clock.

"Well i needed to ring you and find out why you werent in school". ugh.

"i was at the beach" i say in a dismissive tone. I hear my mum isghing on the other end of the phone. "speachless?" i ask

"just annoyed" 'beep, beep, beep' what the hell she hung up! I put my phone back on my bedside table and settle back into my bed.


i struggle against the bonds that are binding my wrists against my back

"let me go!" i yell though its useless as all sounds come out of my mouth muffled from the tape over my mouth.


I wake up jolting violently in my bed, what the hell i havent had a nightare about that in ages, why now? i go over and open my window gulping in huge breaths of air. i pull my hair back into a messy bun and walk downstairs. Flicking the light on i go over to the cupboard and grab a glass then pour some water into it. I shake my head clearing my thoughts no need to dwell on that. I head back upstairs and flop onto my bed falling back into a dreamless sleep.

~~~~time skip~~~~

thankfully i had no more nightmeres last night. Best go to school today dont need another call from my wonderful mother.

"Olivia!?" I turn to my window

"Yes Brody?"

"we never got me any school supplies yesterday" oh yeah whoops

"Oh yeah we forgot to get anything surely you have something you can use laying around your room?"

"yeah probably" i laugh and turn to walk downstairs. I grab my phone off the table in the lounge and head out the door. I hop into my car and begin to drive towards school.

I walk into my art class and immediately Jason comes in an pulls me into a hug almost knocking me over in the process

"ah hey?"

"Heyy you werent here yesterday, i missed you what was wrong?"

"no i wasnt, i missed you to and there was nothing wrong with me i was just hanging out with a new person here at the beach yesterday" Jason pouts at me

"you spent time with someone that wasnt me?" he says in a teasing tone

"yes" i reply laughing. I walk over and sit down in my seat.

"okay class today we are going to start a new topic where will be doing self portraits" a series of groans sound throughout the class but we all take out our sketch pads and pencils anyway. I grab a mirror out of the box going around and pass it onto the person beside me. I set the mirror on a stand infront of me and grab a new peice of paper. I begin to sketch my portrait onto the paper.

I head over to the feild and once i get there we all start practicing a new routine for this weekend. By the end of the hour we have a new routine and we have praticed it a bit but of course still need alot more practice.

I head over to our table after i am finished getting changed.

"hey Olivia" i hear Brody call

"hey" i say back then continue walking over to the table.

"excuse me but did i just see you talking to the new boy?" Scarlett asks

"Who brody? yeah we're friends" i see them gaping at me "why?" i ask

"nothing hes just different to you thats all. Did you know that as soon as he got into first period the 'populars' included him straight away?"

"no and why does it matter if he is popular or not?"

"i guess it doesnt" Scarlett says shugging. I realise that i didnt pack any lunch to eat today.

"Im just gonna go to the cafeteria, i didnt bring any food" i say. hannah and Scarlett nod at me. i walk inside and up to the cafeteria noticing that everyone is already sitting down with their food so therre is no one in the line.

"Hey can i have a bottle of water?"

"sure, here you go $1:50 please" i hand over the money and then walk back out to the table. I sit down and have a drink of my water.

"So you went to get some food and you come back with a bottle of water?" hannah says making it sound like a question. 

"Yes i decided that i wasnt hungry" I reply. Just as i finish the bell rings. We all walk over to english and sit down at a table. Out of the corner of my eye i see Brody walk in. This is the first class ive had with him so far. He catches my eye and smiles at me coming over to our table. 

"hey" i say

"hey and goodbye" he says spotting is friends over on the other side of the classroom. i laugh and him

"bye see you later" i say just as he starts to walk away.

"what do you mean see you later do you have plans with him?" Scarlett demands. i shake my head at her

"No we dont have plans" i cant tell her that i live near him everybody probably knows that hes rich and lives in a really fancy house.

"oh ok" she says. The teacher walks in and we start a group task disscussing the book we were supposed to read.

Jason and i walk into maths and everybody stares at us or well me anyway. 

"why are the all staing at us?" i whisper to Jason

"not us, just you and i dont know why" he whispers back. I walk to the back up to where Samantha is sitting 

"why is everybody staring at me?" i ask

"I thought you would have known bynow, that new hottie said you guys were dating" she replied

"Brody said that? i am going to kill him" i say

"you shouldnt hereally is quite hot" i shakemy head at her and go sit next to Jase. 

"so did you find out why everybody was staring at you?" he asks

"yeah Brody said he and I were dating" God i am so angry with him. 

~~~~time skip~~~~

I walk into my house and go up the stairs into my room. I hope Brody is in his room. I walk over to my window and look into his room. Good he is in there.

"BRODY WHAT THE HELL?" i yeall at him

"what are you yelling at me for?"

"You told the whole school that we were dating!" 

"I told you i wanted something in return for keeping your secret a secret"

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