Chapter 4

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I woke up and glanced at my clock on my bedside table. 9:00 am. I pick up my phone which is sitting beside my clock. One new message from Samantha.

Samantha- OMG I HEARD YOU WERE IN HOSPITAL, ARE YOU OK? Will you be able to do cheerleading today?

Olivia- Yeah I was in hospital but I'm ok. Sadly cant do cheerleading though :( you guys can do it without me this time though

Samantha- Yeah I guess so. Miss you not being there :(

I place my phone down and head into my bathroom to have a shower. After my shower i head into my closet and choose some cute blue denim skinny jeans, a plain tight blue t-shirt, a black leather jacket and some black ballet flats. I walk over to my window and open my curtains. I see the guy sitting on his bed and notice that the window is open. "Hey whats your name?" "Brody, whats yours?" "olivia" i reply. I then walk towards my door. "Do you wanna hang out today?" he asks me "sure what time?" i reply turning back so I'm facing him "1:00" i nod then walk out my door and downstairs. Walking into the kitchen i grab a bowl and put some french vanilla yoghurt in it. I then grab some frozen raspberries and strawberries out and put some of them on top of the yogurt.

~~~~time skip (1:00)~~~~

I walk out of my front door and over towards Brody's house. Just as i am about to ring the doorbell the door opens revealing Brody. I walk in and he leads me towards his living room. "We are just gonna watch some movies today, that ok?" "yeah, hey i have a favour to ask of you" i say making it sound like a question. "Ok what is it?" He asks. I bite my lip "well no one at school knows that I'm rich so i would really appreciate it if you could keep it a secret, i don't want everybody finding out and treating me differently." He just nods and walks over putting the first DVD into the player.

~~~Brody's POV~~~

After i put the DVD on i walk over and sit beside Olivia on the couch. I cant believe no one at school knows that she is rich how does she keep that a secret from everyone. I put on a horror movie so i will be able to see if she gets scared easily. I pick up my phone and see that i have a message from my mum

Mum- wont be home tonight like planned, i will put some money into your eftpos card so you can go food shopping and get anything you need for school.

I dont bother replying. My mum seems to think that work is more important than coming home to see her son. I havent even seen her for a week she just told me that she was selling our house and buying this one and that i had my first day at North Palm High School on Monday. The movie has just passed the scariest bit and Olivia didn't get scared. Now i know she doesn't get scared easily.

~~~~time skip (9:00)~~~~

~~~Olivia's POV~~~

I stretch my arms watching the credits roll on the screen "i better get home now, see you later" i say to Brody. "Ok, that was fun we should do it again sometime" he replies "yeah we should" i say smiling. I stand up and walk towards the front door "goodbye Olivia" "goodbye Brody" i reply then open the door and walk back to my house. I walk up into my room and close my window and shut my curtains. I then walk into my closet and change into some pyjamas. I then go into my bathroom and brush my teeth. Once I'm finished i head into my room and flop onto my bed falling straight into a dreamless sleep. Thats what watching movies all day does to you.

I hope you liked this chapter. Sorry if its really short.





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