Chapter 6: The Epic Fire Rescue

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The Pups were still playing Tug of war, it was Chase, Marshall and Rubble Vs Rocky, Zuma and Skye, Rocky, Zuma and Skye tried their hardest, but Chase and Marshall had a Big advantage because not only were they bigger and stronger than than all 3 of the others, but Rubble was also one of the strongest, and of course, it was just a matter of time before Marshall, Rubble and Chase won.

Rocky: No fair, you all were stronger than us, maybe next time, one of you will be with us, and you take one of us to make it more even.

Chase: Oh, you guys are on!

Then, their Pup-Tags lit up*

Ryder: PAW Patrol, to the Lookout!

All the Pups: Ryder needs us!

All of the Pups (Including Everest and Tracker) then rushed to the elevator, and Marshall tripped over the Tug of war rope and Crashed into the Pups, and Chase and Skye landed nose to nose and they blushed and smiled.

Marshall: I'm Good.

The pups laughed and the lift went to and they got into their PAW Patrol Uniforms, and made it to the top of the Lookout.

Chase: PAW Patrol Ready for Action Ryder, sir!

Ryder: Thanks for coming so quickly Pups, I just got a call from Katie, and her Pet Parlour is on fire!

*The Pups gasped*

Everest: Oh, No! What about her cat, Cali?

Ryder: Cali is fine. But she is trapped at the Top of the Parlour with Katie, we are going to have to help them and fast! First, Marshall, I need you and the Fire Department to try to put out that fire, this rescue is especially for you.

Marshall: I'm fired up!

Ryder: And, Rocky, after we rescue Katie and Cali, and put out the Fire, I need you to try to find anything that can still work from Katie's Pet Parlour.

Rocky: Green means Go!

Ryder: And last I need, Skye, I need you to use your Helicopter Harness to rescue Katie.

Skye: Let's take it to the Sky!

Ryder: Alright, PAW Patrol is on a roll!

Ryder then went down the pole like usual.

Chase: Be careful Skye.

Skye: Don't worry, I'll be fine.

And the Pups went down their slide and got into their vehicles and starting heading towards Katie's Pet Parlour, and sure enough, when they got there, the Fire department was already there, trying to put the fire out, and Mayor Goodway was also there.

Mayor Goodway: Oh, PAW Patrol, Thank goodness your here, Katie really needs to be rescued. (Worried)

Ryder: Don't worry Mayor, we've got this. Skye! Try going down with your Copter and lower your harness to get Katie.

Skye: You got it Ryder!

Skye then started to lower her Helicopter Harness, and Katie saw Skye from the air.

Katie: Skye! I am so glad your here!

Skye: Don't worry Katie, I'll get you down safely,

But as Skye lowered down her helicopter harness, it accidentally caught on fire and Skye panicked, and it started to burn more.

Skye: Oh, No! I didn't bring my wings!

Katie: Skye, it's too dangerous to land with your Burning Copter, your going to have to Jump, I'll catch you!

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