Ch. 22: My Little Scars

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||Soarin's POV: WTF, Dash?! Why?||

{September 17, 2014/6:25am, Rainbow Dash's Bedroom}

      I feel something on my face; it has a little weight to it. I open my eyes to see Dash's left arm laying across my face. I smile and kiss her wrist. Then I notice something on her wrist that scares me: several thin scars - and some of them look freakin' recent! I gently prod her left side.

"Soarin'!," Dash says, giggling as she wakes up, "Stop, that tickles!"

      I poke her side again and laugh as she giggles more, but then I gently grab her wrist in my left hand, asking,

"Dash, what have you done to your wrist?"

"What?," Dash asks, her eyes wide as she snatches her wrist away from me and looks at the scars, "Uh..."

"Why, Dashie?," I ask, wondering why she'd be unhappy enough to cut herself, "When did you cut your wrist or wrists?"

"Uh...," Dash says, looking at her desk and everything on it, "Uh... when I was mad at Twilight and Rarity. So... the, uh, first week of school. The other scars are from when I was younger."

"Wh-what?," I ask, my eyes wider than before, "What happened when you were younger?!"

"I got bullied for being... well, shit, I flew better than most kids at Cloudsdale Academy!," Dash says angrily, "They bullied me 'cause they were freakin' jealous! But it still hurt, so I cut my wrists to get rid of my pain. Happy? Huh! I'm still bullied! Do the nicknames 'Rainbow Crash' or 'Rainbow Dyke' ring any bells?!"

      I look at her sadly and hug her, ready to punch those who bully her. How could anyone wanna hurt a girl so amazing and beautiful? People can be so stupid these days!

"Next time you feel like doing this," I begin, smiling, "Call me, okay? I'll be here quicker than you."

"I doubt you are quicker than me," Dash replies with a smile, "Or anyone, for that matter."

"I know," I say, knowing damn well she was faster than anyone I knew, "And I love that you're faster than me."

"Seriously?," Dash asks, her smile gone and her left eyebrow raised, "I'd think most guys would be egotistical and shit. Can anyone say, 'Napoleon Complex'?"

      We both laugh, but I can't think of a nice way to tell her she has an ego herself; it's about the size of, say, Equestria. No offense, Dash. However, she's not selfish, so she makes up for the bragging (she has a lot to brag about, though; do you know how much awesome stuff she's done?).


||Time Passes||

{7:20am, Still In Rainbow Dash's Bedroom}

"Dash," I say, prodding Dash's side again, "Wake up."

"Mhm," Dash groans, swatting my hand, "I don't wanna."

"Come on, Dashie," I coo, tickling her.

"Oh my God, stahp!," Dash replies, laughing loudly (thank Celestia her room is sound-proof; we'd be busted - BIG time), "Okay, I'm up! Stahp! Stop, Soarin'!"

      I stop tickling her and we start to get ready for school.


||Time Passes||

||Rainbow Dash's POV: In The Same Boat||

{3:50pm, Canterlot High's Front Yard, Under A Tree}

      I flip the next page of "Daring Do: Under The Pith Helmet", which is her autobiography. It was sent to me by, get this, A.K. Yearling (a.k.a. Daring Do) herself, a week early! I see my friends walking over to me, so I bookmark page 30 and wave at them.

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