"Repeat that, kid."

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"Repeat that, kid." Marcus starred at him in disbelief, hands on his hips. 

"I wanna ask Emery to marry me." Nate repeated, "Look, I know what you're all thinking. That I want to marry her because she's pregnant but that's not why at all, okay? I wanna do it because I love her and I want to be able to spend the rest of my life with her. And because your her father, I want your permission to ask her to marry me. Tonight." 

"Tonight?" The women asked in sync. 

"Yeah, why not?" Nate shrugged his shoulders. 

Kurt raised his hand, "I think it's great." 

"Me to." Eric and Lenny agreed.

"I'll give you the money and you can go buy her a ring." Lenny told his son, walking over to him. "I'm proud of you." 

"Thanks, Dad." 

"Marcus?" Deanne asked, "Are you okay?" 

"Yeah." The blonde man nodded his head, "I'm fine. Nate, I love you as if you were already my son and if marrying my daughter is what you want to do then I give you my blessing. If there was anybody that I'd want to marry Emmy, it's you." 

Nate smiled, hugging the shorter man, "Thank you, Marcus." 

"Anything to make my little girl happy." 

"Here's my card," Lenny said, "Buy her the best ring that you can buy." 

"Yeah, because a diamond is a girls best friend." Eric said with a nod. 

Nate gave him a confused look before going outside, "Braden, Andre, Greg, Keithe!" 

"What's up?" Greg asked as Nate walked over to the group who were talking about babies with Becky and Bean. 

"You guys wanna come with me shopping?" He asked, "I need to buy something." 

"Buy what?" Braden asked, "Why would you need us to go?" 

"Because." Nate turned his head to where Emerson sat with the girls and Bean, "I'm going to buy an engagement ring." He lowered his voice. 

"Then lets go!" Andre exclaimed. 

"Go wait by the car." He told them before making his way over to Emerson, "Hey, baby. I'm gonna go to town with the guys. I'll be back later on." 

"Okay, drive safe. I love you." She smiled up at him. 

Nate leaned down to peck her lips, "I love you too, baby. I have something planned for later tonight so don't go make any plans." 

"Okay, baby." 


"What kind of ring do you think she'd like?" Andre asked as they looked at the rings in the glass case. 

They had to drive half an hour away from the cabin to find a jewelry store  and now they were looking for the perfect ring. 

"Nova Carver octagonal halo engagement ring." Keithe casual spoke, looking down at the rings. 

All four older teens looked over at him with confused facial expressions before he looked up to find them all looking over at him. 

"What? Emmy and I talk." He shrugged his shoulders. 

"Hi." A man walked over to them, "May I help you boys?" 

"Uh, yeah." Nate scratched the side of his face, "I'm looking for a,- Keithie! What was it again?"

"Nova Carver octagonal Halo engagement ring." 

"Yeah, what he said." 

"That would be the four right there." He pointed down and the four others looked down also. 

"How much for that one?" Nate asked, pointing to one he knew that Emerson would love. 

"That one is $1,900.00." He said, casually.

"1900?!" Braden and Andre exclaimed, wide eyed. 

"I'll take it."

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