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6 July - 12:27pm
Oh my God oh my God oh my God.
He asked me out.
Yes, him.
Blue-eyed tall boy that I talk about so much.
We were talking until like 3:30am this morning about weird fun stuff and deeper stuff (which is a massive thing considering in the early days I was worried we couldn't talk about that kind of stuff).
He really openly and honestly clarified the situations with the other girls I was secretly worried about.
Honestly, it went so well, even though at the start I thought he was rejecting me and so proceeded to respond to his confession with a, "you don't have to say that, it's okay, you can reject me".
But I HONESTLY thought he just felt bad so was saying he liked me too, so to find out that wasn't the case was so jarring that I almost peed a little.
Which would be perfectly acceptable, might I add, because I found this all out whilst on the toilet at 2am.
Write that one down in the books. How romantic wowowowow :))
He asked me to the movies next week but we agreed to make the plans later because it was 3am hahahah. But I'm a little nervous to bring it up again because I'm so shy about relationships (and so is he, by the way, so great combination of the two of us).
Also I'm shitting myself because I'm gonna have to tell my mum that I'm going on a date, and she's going to tease me about it for eternity.
Please save me from that embarrassment!!!

Okay, little announcement over :)

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