I'm Burning Down My House *nOt CliCKbAiT*

588 24 10

10 February - 12:55am

Wow so where do I even begin?...

There are fleas on my cat. There are fleas on my dog. There are fleas in my house. There are fleas on me.
I honestly want to burn the house to the ground.
I don't even know how my cat got fleas. He is an outside cat, meaning he spends all his time (plus sleeping) outside, but regardless, we put those flea/worm drop thingys on his neck every month AND he's an old man-cat and in all his years he's never had fleas.
But now he does. And he gave it to my dog, who generously dropped hers off in the house when she was let inside.
It was about 12am, when I was sitting on my bed and I spotted a flea on my pant leg.
I grabbed it in a tissue, shoved that tissue in a clear plastic zip-up pouch, and shoved that pouch into a zip-lock plastic bag.
It's like a bag of evidence from a crime scene, but in my opinion MUCH SCARIER.
The little shit of a flea keeps bodyslamming the plastic and it's making a very loud noise and I'm afraid.

On another note, I did absolutely no work today which means I'll be crying the whole of tomorrow trying to stress cram all my homework in before it's due on Monday.
I'm just going to pretend that it's not 100% my fault.
Definitely not.

Also I really like the history subject I picked up this year?
I dropped the subject 'music performance' and instead took up 'history revolutions' which is honestly SO FUCKING INTERESTING I LOVE IT.
Plus the new revolutions teacher is v attractive.
And I can quote Hamilton songs all class and have it be relevant to my education because we're doing the American Revolution.
It's honestly one of the best decisions I've made.
Good on you, past Ella.

Also, for my final year of school I'm surprisingly chill.
Lol I just typed that out and my body immediately ceased up thinking about all the work I have to do.
So no, I guess I'm not really that chill.
But this year is a big deal.
If I don't get top student for literature this year like I did last year, I might as well DIE.
And I honestly feel like I've forgotten how to speak basic Italian, so this year is going to be great for me.
Also now that I'm finished biology (which I bloody love) the only science I have left if chemistry (which I FUCKING HATE).
Chemistry can fuck off.
I hate it with every cell in my body.

I'm tired.
Buona notte i miei bambini piccoli.
Is that a weird thing to say?
I guess it's only weird if you make it weird.
Please don't make it weird.

Anti flea protest finished.

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