"Don't Apologize."

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Chapter Eleven :

"Don't Apologize."

I rubbed my cheek that was hugging my cell phone, "Do I have to?"

"I'm not even going to answer that question, Kace! You are confronting him!" Tamera almost, but shrieked over the call.

"Fine, but I am getting double buttered popcorn later at the movie. . ." I said in negotiation, "Sometimes," I continued, "I regret including you in things in my life, Tam."

"You know  you love me, bitch, and you're gonna get fuh--at," Tamera was sassy as ever.

"You know that I do, you ish."

We both laughed together like old times when she wasn't pestering me about guys and finding a respectable boyfriend, but I didn't mind her.

What I minded was the consistent badgering to find one!

"What was up with that Hindu girl though?"

"Don't call her that," I sighed, "She probably had sex with some dude and felt embarrassed. Wouldn't you?"

Tamera chuckled, "Babe, do you really need to ask me that?"

"You know, you're right," I snickered, "You'd walk back to your dorm in your chonies and bra while holding your clothes without shame."


"You need to visit me this weekend. Community college makes it easier to take a weekend off," I said politely as possible as I didn't want to offend her in any shape or form.

I could picture Tamera's face brighten, "That'd be awesome, beb! I can stay in your dorm and meet that Ken dude that has been pestering you- and if I am lucky, I will meet Jaxxon."

"Um, Tam, you don't want to meet Ken. You know exactly what he looks like."

"What do you mean?" she sounded tentative.

"He is a like this freaking living Ken doll from Mattel. Blonde, blue eyes, very wealthy, tall, fit, dresses well-"

Tamera cut me off, "I think I have found a sugar daddy, Kace!"

I bursted into laughing, "What?!" I noticed what she was inferring. "You are not going to meet Ken!"

"Why not? You said that needed to find a nice boy. Not some high school drop out," Tamera clicked her teeth.

"But- that's not what I meant!" I ran out of words.

"If you don't want him, I will take him!" Tamera chuckled.

"Eww, no. I am not letting you endure that hell," I stated seriously. Damia walked in to the dorm room at the point. Interrupting Tamera's cackling laughter, I sighed, "Well, I got to go. I'll talk to you later." I smiled even though she couldn't see me through the phone.

Tamera coughed as she tried to stop laughing, "Okay, beb, remember, you are confronting Jaxxon later!"

"Whatever," I ended the call. Damia stood there just looking at me with her arms folded. I found it irritating at the highest degree, "What?"

"Its Day Four of week zero. Have you even taken a tour of campus?"

"No," I blatantly spat almost.

She sighed and grabbed something from her closet, a black (figures. . .) side bag, "Lets go."

"What? No. I am fine here." I knew what she was inferring, but I didn't want to acknowledge it.


"Well. . .I have to. . .to. . .talk to a friend in a few hours!" I searched for an excuse.

"Ah. Okay, just tell me if you don't want to hang out with me," Damia spoke with a tone of lingering hurt mixed with resentment.

I hadn't really thought that I could actually hurt her, but this was Damia! How could I think I would be able to punch a hole in her tough exterior.

"Its true. . .And its a guy. . ." I trailed off and my eyes rolled to the floor beside my feet.

Damia sputtered automatically, "Ken?"

"No offence, but god no," I spat with a hint of utter disgust lining my voice.

Damia tried to contain her laughter, but she miserably failed, "Me, be offended at something about Ken?! I love you already!"

I chewed my bottom lip in surrender, "I am just gonna go now then. . ." my voice tapered off as I made my way to the door.

* * * * *

I eventually made it to the dorm building lobby and let out a puff as I exited the elevator .  I slowly and dejectedly found my way to an empty chair in the common room.

Then someone whom I didn't expect to see showed up, "Hey, you're that girl that knows my brother, Hunter?"

I turned around, "Yeah. . .?"

I knew three things:
1. I knew he was going to ask how I knew his brother.
2. I knew that I was going to talk to him.
3. I knew that he would inform Hunter that he knew me.

There was another thing that I could count on:
Hunter would be angry and confused because I had been ignoring his texts.

"Oh, you ran off the other day, was everything all right?" Jaxxon offered a friendly smile.

I uncomfortably smiled, "Yeah, I was just unaware Hunter had a brother or a twin for that matter."

Jaxxon motioned to the seat across from mine, "Mind if I sit?" I shook my head. His eyes brightened, "Well, Hunter doesn't like many of his friends to know I exist."

"Why's that?" Jaxxon was peaking my interest in the subject.

Jaxxon ran his hand through his hair, "I think its somewhere along the way because he thought I was 'borrowing' his girlfriends in high school, which I wasn't. They thought that I was him. Besides, I have no interest in them. I have more interest in the Abercrombie and Fitch models. . ."

I let out a roar of a laugh. Not because Jaxxon was gay, but because of the way he implied it to me. I think maybe he and I can be friends after all.

Trying to hold in my laughter, I attempted to speak, "That's horrible. . ."

"I know, but Hunter never knew about my preference," Jaxxon folded his arms casually.

"Oh, come on, Jaxxon, what's the real reason?" I nudged his foot with mine.

Jaxxon looked at me with direct eye contact, "My father was a homophobe and Hunter followed in his steps."

I felt the back of my neck grow warm, so I rubbed it, "Oh, that's. . .I'm sorry. . ."

"Don't apologize. Its not your fault. I'm the one who has to live with it."

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