Meeting Uncle Ben

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Chapter Six :

Meeting Uncle Ben

"Good - bye, Zachary!" I waved to the man as he began to walk in the opposite direction of the airport.

He waved back at me before walking in to a cafe.

"Was that the man you were seated next to?" Aunt Mia asked me.

"Yeah, his name is Zachary Pines. He is a graphic designer for Walt Disney Studios. He gave me his business card because I am going to be in the same program he was in when he went to NYU," I informed Aunt Mia.

Aunt Mia widened her eyes open quickly, "Ben, over here!" she waved arms in the air in attempt to tell Uncle Ben where we were.

Uncle Ben walked over with a smile on his face. When he was in front of us, he looked as though he had seen a ghost, "Kacie, darling! I haven't seen you since you were small." He pulled me in to one of those bear hugs that family members that you haven't in a long time do that almost suffocate the victim. And in this scenerio, I was the victim.

"Un-cle Ben, i-t's nice t-o see y-ou!" I said as he held me in the enormous hug.

When Uncle Ben let go, he still had a huge grin on his face, "I bet that you and Mia are hungry, let's go and collect your guys's luggage. Then, how about we go to a fancy resturant?"

Aunt Mia grinned, "That sounds wonderful, Ben!"

With that, we were heading off the the luggage collection. I only had my suitcase and my purse. Aunt Mia only had a large tote bag and her purse. Once our items were collected, we headed out of the airport.

After we were finally out of the airport, Uncle Ben had a worried look plastered to his face. Noticing this, I looked at him nervously, "Uncle Ben, what's wrong?"

"I can't seem to remember where I parked the car," Uncle Ben spoke softly.

My aunt looked at him with a knowing smile, "Ben, click the car locator button on the keys."

Uncle Ben laughed, "Thanks, Mia," he kissed her cheek, "What would I do without you?"

"Not very much," my aunt replied.

Uncle Ben pressed the button, and the car made a beeping sound. We followed that for five minutes until we finally found the car.

It's sad that I could not bring my car. However, my mom planned to send it over to me. I had to wait a month for it though.

* * * * *

Uncle Ben lifted his glass of champagne, "To my beautiful niece, getting accepted in to a prestige art program!" He toasted with my aunt for me.

My aunt smiled, "To Kacie!"

I giggled, but then clinked my glass of champagne and to a sip like so. I hadn't had champagne before, so this was mind - blowing. It was an amazing taste. It was like a million little bubbles exploding on the tongue. It tasted almost like apple, but delish, none the less.

I paused and a grin formed on my pale face, "That was. . .wow." My aunt and uncle laughed.

In the midst of their laughter, my Aunt Mia joked saying, "First champagne?"

I nodded, "First and hopefully not my last."

My uncle joined in, "I think one is enough for now though, don't you think?"

"Yes," I agreed, still immersed in laughter.

My aunt and uncle are such cards and they have always treated me like an adult. Much more than I can say for my parents.

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