Going Away Party

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Chapter Four :

Going Away Party

"Mom, I'm home! They didn't have any red apples at the store!" I hollered to my mom from the front door. I had just gone grocery shopping for the week. I would leave before the week was up. . .

It was a surreal thought that I would be leaving to New York in less than a few days. And in the fall, I woud be enrolled in NYU. I would be a college student. I still felt like the little, high school, small town, good girl that I had taken the card of. I couldn't even express the mixed emotions that I felt.

I felt mixed nervousness, exhilaration, and homesickness all at the same time. It was a prison cell that I couldn't escape. If I did, but that would mean giving up NYU, then I would never follow my dreams of going to NYU and later having a full time job at Walt Disney Animation Studios. I couldn't back out now after all that I had worked for.

I had focused on getting straight A's and as many extra curricular activities that I could to reach my dream. I had systematic goals, after small victories, I would then move on to the next goal.

My mom came out of the kitchen, "Oh, okay, that's fine. They weren't that important. Did you get the watermelon though?"

"Yeah, it's still in my car. I haven't gotten it out yet." As I was walking to the kitchen, I said, "You know, mom, why did we get all this fruit?" However, my mom had went out to my car and gotten the watermelon.

When she joined me in the kitchen, she frowned, trailing off, "Kacie, you didn't get the seedless watermelon, you got the one with seeds - oh well! No matter, Marilyn, doesn't have to eat it then."

"Hey, mom. I'm going to meet up with Tamera. I'll be home in a few hours," I spoke as I put the groceries away in the cupboards.

"That's fine Kace, but remember not to leave your jacket in her car again," my mom pestered me.

* * * * *

I took a sip of my smoothie as Tamera spoke, "So, what's the happs*?"

"Well, you know Hunter? From Jennifer's party? I saw him outside Kohl's the other day. We exchanged numbers," I said quietly.

Tamera almost screeched, "Oh. My. Gawd." She jumped up and down like a two - year - old clapping her hands in excitement, "Has he called you yet?"

"Yes. . . Sort of. . ." I took a long sip of my smoothie to render me unable to speak for a moment. I didn't want to tell her what I did. I knew what she'd say.

Tamera looked even more excited, she even got a few unamused looks from other mall - goers, "What happened?"

After swallowing the strawberry and banana smoothie, I spoke softly and did what I was most afraid of, "He said, 'Hi.' Then, I said 'Hello.' "

Tamera began to look impatient, "And?"

"And, what?"

"And what happs next!?"

"Oh, I kinda hung up on him. . ." my voice trailed off that point and I buried my shame in a long gulp of my smoothie.

Tamera looked up at me as if I had said, 'I am "The Great Gatsby! " ' She looked at me as though I was insane, "Please tell me your joking me? You're going to ruin any chance you have with him that way. . ." Tamera shook her head as she sipped her pineapple and mango smoothie she held in her grasp.

"Tamera, I'm moving to New York. How am I going to keep a relationship at all?!"

Tamera sighed heavily as if I was some weirdo, "You know nothing about boys, do you? He is a fling*, Kacie! Milk it while it lasts! You are always looking for some crazy heart - felt, long - term relationship - might as well, walk up to a random guy on the street and sing, 'Do you wanna be my husband?' in the tune of Do You Want To Build A Snowman*!"

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