ParaNorman 2: Not so different (Chapter 3)

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Chapter 3


 When his cousin arrived the first thing he noticed was that she looked a lot like Aggie, well the other Aggie, Agatha. He found that they did have something in common, they both loved zombie movies. And that made Norman feel that this cousin wouldn't be as bad as he thought, but hopefully she doesn't start thinking he's a freak once she knows he can talk to the dead. But he wasn't planning on telling her.

Now they were both in front of the TV still watching the movie, and it was at Norman's favorite part again. He didn't take his eyes off the screen for even a few minutes, wanting to see the zombie bite into the teenager's head, though he's already seen it a thousand times before, but he didn't care. He finally got to watch the part without anything interrupting him. But right after the part was over Mrs. Babcock called them both into the kitchen. Norman and Aggie got up and walked through the doorway that separated the living room from the kitchen. Mrs. Babcock waved her hand at them, gesturing them to sit at the table. So when they sat down, she had the phone pressed to her ear for a few more seconds then said goodbye to whoever she was talking to and hung up. Mrs. Babcock stood by the table, smiling. "Aggie, i talked to your uncle and have some great news" She said. Norman looked at Aggie, who looked nervous as if she thought the "great news" would turn out to be,well, not so great. Mrs. Babcock had paused for a second, like she was trying to add a dramatic pause before continuing. "Your uncle agreed to put you in the same school as Norman!" She finished. Aggie didn't say anything, but her expression looked like she was more nervous than before. "Tomorrow is your first day, so your uncle said you could spend the night here!" Mrs. Babcock added to break the silence. "But he wants you to be ready for school so you'll need to go back home soon before night time and get what you need." She let them both go back in the living room and they sat back in front of the TV, not saying a word which made the zombie's groans and the human's screams from the movie the only noise in the living room.

 "What's school like?" Aggie asked keeping her eyes on the TV but obviously not paying attention to the movie. "You haven't been to one before?" Norman looked at her in confusion. "Well, i've been home schooled, just never really was apart of a real school. So what's this school like?" She replied. Norman thought for a moment. If she's never been to a real school she probably wasn't prepared for what Norman, Neil, and Salma had to deal with. But then again, Alvin wasn't really a school bully anymore, but instead wastes his time trying to get girls telling them Norman and him were close friends. And all the other kids never call Norman a freak anymore, or Neil fat, or Salma a nerd. So maybe Aggie's first day of school would be better than when Norman first went there. "I think you'll like it." Was all Norman said. And hopefully he was right.

A few hours later Aggie went to get her bag of things she'd need to spend the night at the Babcock's house. She was fast at going, packing, and coming back with a dark-grey bag full of her stuff. The rest of the night they watched zombie movies and Aggie would draw some of the zombies on her sketching pad every few minutes. She was really good at it, getting every detail from the old rotting skin, to the torn clothes and bones that showed on the zombie. Courtney came downstairs on the phone once again. "Hey Norman, Stan asked if you interviewed Julius Caesar yet." Courtney asked putting one hand over the part of her phone were you're suppose to talk into it. Aggie stopped drawing and looked up at Courtney then Norman like they were both crazy. "He's dead." Aggie stated. "Duh, but Norman--" "Studied things about Caesar." Norman interrupted cutting Courtney off from what she was going to say. He gave her a please-just-shut-up look, and she nodded, understanding that he didn't want her telling Aggie about his ability. He's already been called weird by his family before, and he didn't want to be called that by Aggie now. "Oh." Aggie said going back to her drawing. Courtney walked back upstairs, saying in the phone "He said he'll try to soon." Then closing the door to her room.

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