Chapter eight: nightmare moon vs the protectors

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"She's here" said fluttershy flying in the air. "Go back to where you came from Nightmare moon" said applejack. "I don't think so you orange little pony" said nightmare moon. Starlight was on top of the castle with a sniper pointing at nightmare moons head. "This is your last warning" said applejack. "Try and stop me" said nightmare moon. Starlight shoots the sniper at nightmare moon. Nightmare moon stops the bullet using fluttershy's element. "Oh shit" said starlight. Nightmare moon uses rarity's element and makes the bullet fly back towards starlight. Starlight ducks and doesn't get hit. "That was a close one" said starlight. "Well team here we go" said Umbreon as he puts his paws together and blast a full dark energy blast towards nightmare moon. Nightmare moon uses rainbow dashes element and dodges the attack quickly. Then nightmare moon uses fluttershy's element and makes Umbreon come close to her. "Ah isn't it Umbreon the mightiest Pokémon" said nightmare moon. "You know me? Asked Umbreon. "I do, your not the only one cursed with knowledge" said nightmare moon as she slams Umbreon to the ground. Optimus prime runs toward nightmare moon with his blaster out. "It looks like it's my turn" said Optimus as he starts shooting. Nightmare moon smirks and uses fluttershy's element to throw Optimus prime into celestia's castle causing The Whole castle to collapse. Starlight starts falling to the ground but fluttershy catches her. "Thank you fluttershy" said starlight. "No problem" said fluttershy. Nightmare moon starts walking towards the vault. "This is gonna be easy" said nightmare moon smiling. Applejack and pinkie pie run towards nightmare moon. But nightmare moon picks up applejack and throws her on pinkie pie. Rarity and Optimus prime charge at nightmare moon. But nightmare moon teleports threw the two and uses fluttershy's element to throw them a mile away. Nightmare moon walks up the stairs and sees the vault. "Stop right there" said Umbreon as he tackles nightmare moon. Nightmare moon kicks Umbreon off her and kicks him again launching him in the air. Nightmare moon opens the vault and grabs the last two elements. "Finally my dream is gonna come true" said nightmare as she puts pinkie pies element on. Suddenly a blast from the sky hits right beside nightmare moon causing her to let go of applejacks element. "Look who's back nightmare moon" said twilight as her, chowder and schnitzel. "Rada Rada Rada Rada" said schnitzel as he throws a boulder at nightmare moon. Nightmare moon dodges and uses pinkie pies element to make multiple versions of her self. "Which one is which?" Asked chowder. "Just shoot all of them till one gets hit" said twilight. Chowder starts to shoot them all until he eventually hits nightmare moon in the leg. "Ow you purple rat" said nightmare moon as she kicks him in the face. Nightmare moon picks up applejacks element and looks at it. schnitzel quickly grabs it and smashes the element into pieces. "Rada Rada" said schnitzel. "Yes schnitzel you did it!" Yelled chowder. Nightmare moon looks at schnitzel and smiles. "You wanna see a trick?" Asked nightmare moon. "Rada Rada?" Asked schnitzel. Nightmare moon uses rarity's element to reverse applejacks element from being shattered. "RADA RADA!" Yelled schnitzel. Nightmare moon uses fluttershy's element to throw schnitzel into chowder. Nightmare moon puts applejacks element in the golden horse shoe. "AHHHHH!" Yelled Nightmare moon as different colors go threw her vain. Twilight quickly grabs a sword and stabs it threw Nightmare moons chest. Nightmare moon yells loudly and starts to breath hard. "This ends now" said twilight. "Y-you shoulda gone for the head" said nightmare moon as she stomps the golden horse shoe. "NOOOO!" Yelled twilight as everything became black. Nightmare moon suddenly appears back on the moon checking her stab womb. "What how could this be, it's all healed" said nightmare moon. Nightmare moon sees a past memory of her yelling and screaming about being banished to the moon over a thousand years ago. "I finally accomplished a goal of mine" said nightmare moon as she goes back to the moment she stomped. "What did you do" asked twilight. Nightmare looks back and forth and teleports away.

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