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My little pony is owned by hasbro

Transformers is owned by hasbro

The Powerpuff girls are owned by Cartoon Network

Chowder is owned by Cartoon Network

Ed Edd n Eddy is owned by Cartoon Network

Finn and Jake are owned by Cartoon Network

Umbreon and espeon is owned by Nintendo.

Nightmare moon will return...

"Chase have you got contact from any of the protectors" asked chases assistant. "Not at all" said chase. Suddenly a car slides right infront of him. "I'm gonna see if these people are okay" said chase as he parks the car. Chase walks up to the window and looks in. "There's no one here" said chase. "Ummm chase" said chases assistant as she turns into dust. Chase looks around and notices people turning into dust. Chase takes out a device and pushes a button before he also turns into dust. The device falls to ground sending a message. The message sends threw and reveals that he texted Princess Luna.

The protectors: element war Where stories live. Discover now