Drew's Perfect Complexion

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    "I can't believe it," I said. "We've tried everything and Percy still doesn't know about Drew's wanton ways."
     "You know, you could just tell him," Nico said.
     "He wouldn't believe me," I said with a sigh.
      "It was just a suggestion," Nico said.
"Maybe we should have someone else tell Percy," Piper suggested.
"No," I decided. "I want him to see the evidence before his eyes."
"Yeah, that will take a blow to his ego," Nico said.
       "Men do not like to know they are being cheated on," Reyna said. "They like to think that all women desire them and them only."
       "I dunno, I would be pretty glad to have just one faithful lover," Nico said.
      "Yeah, but you like men," Reyna said as if that explained everything.
       "At least Percy doesn't have a roving eye like his father does, Piper said.
"Hey, Annabeth," Reyna said. "What this?"
Reyna has been digging through the contents of my wooden chest. She was holding up a jar of thick cream. She unscrewed the cap of the jar and breathed in the heady scent.
"Oh, that's a face cream my stepmother sent me," I said. "It's really heavy and it made me break out, so I only used it once."
Reyna's eyes met mine and it was like we were reading each others's minds. I smiled and she smiled back. Yes, justice would finally come to Drew.
"It's this cream my stepmother makes to banish any blemishes," I said. "It does it all: lightens freckles, helps heal scars, and fights acne."
"Really?" Drew said. "Let me see it?"
I handed the jar over to her. She unscrewed the cap and sniffed the cream.
"It smells like weird herbs," she said. "What's in it?"
"Some botanicals found on the countryside," I said simply.
I shook my head.
I shook my head again.
Another head shake.
"You say it works?" Drew said.
"My stepmother uses it and she has the smoothest skin I have ever seen," I said.
It was true. Helen had really good skin, but after I said it made me break out. she had told me she only used this as a body cream and it should never be used on the face. Drew dipped her fingers into the rich cream and spread some over her face. She made a contented sigh as the cream melted against her skin.
"Can I use some?" Silena asked.
        "No, this cream is precious," Drew said. "I'm not sharing it with anyone. Annabeth, can you ask for stepmother to make more of it?"
     I nodded and she gave me a small smile.
     "I can give you the cream my mother uses to clear her skin up," Nancy offered.
     "I don't want your mother's cream," Drew said. "I want more of Annabeth's."
    Percy came up to where we were chatting and embroidering. He pecked Drew on the cheek.
"Mmmm," he said. "You smell great."
He kissed her on the mouth and I forced myself to focus on my embroidery. Why did all of my plans bring me only sour grapes when I needed sweet wine?

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