Yule Ball

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       Drew was smoothing some powder over her face as we waited for our turn to dance. Every year, before the dancing started at the Yule Ball, there was a talent show of sorts. I heard Nico singing shout how nobody could bring him down while Nancy played with her hair. We were all outfitted in matching outfits: red gowns with white kirtles.
     At one point, Drew remembered she had forgotten a flower for her hair and went to fetch it.
      "I still don't get why Drew have you two flowers and not me," Nancy said glumly once Drew was out of earshot. "I do everything for her. I bet it's because I'm the only one who knows that her father was a mere servant. Oops — I didn't mean to say that. Forget that I said anything."
      After Nico was booed off the stage and Drew returned with a red flower pinned in we hair, Leo came on and performed a song that he had written himself. It was strange because instead of singing his song, he recited it like it was a sermon.
      "Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah!" Leo began. "All you peasants got nothing on me. I'm an engineer and a thinker; I can do more than a thick-headed drinker. But forget what you've heard, I'm like Lancelot the third. Shaken instead of stirred. I'm Leo Valdez. The L creeps silently through your door and I make love to your lady on your bedroom floor. I don't play it like Zeus. You'll it was me because the next time you see her, she'll be saying 'Leo V. . .'"
     "That's enough Leo," Poseidon said.
      "Thanks everyone," Leo said. "I wish you all a bon Noël!"
     He was applauded as he walked off stage.
     "It's our turn!" Silena whispered excitedly.
       We walked on stage. Drew looked at Nancy and frowned.
     "Stand on my right," she said.
      "But I'm always on your left," Nancy protested.
      "Annabeth is taller than you," Drew said. "Switch places because you're getting on my nerves."
    Nancy obeyed and then we began to sing and dance. My father had come from the countryside to attend the ball and I could see his shocked face as my hips swayed to the rhythm of "Church Bells Rock." Our dance was not typical of a respectable woman, but the courtiers seemed to like it. When we finished, their applause was raucous.
     I was glad when the actual dancing began. That is until I saw Percy gliding towards Drew.
    "Beautiful as always," Percy said.
     "Thank you," Drew said, her voice like warm honey.
      "You did well, Country Girl," Leo said.
        "Thank you," I said.
       When he left, Nancy looked between Drew and I and said, "You were blushing. You totally like him."
     "No I don't," I said.
      "Yes, you do," Nancy said. "This explains everything. Drew, she wanted to join a math club because he's in it."
      "Oh that's adorable, hon," Drew said, "but you can't do that because it's social suicide. Ready Percy?"
    She took him by the arm and he led her to the dance floor. As I watched their forms together, a tight knot of jealousy hardened in my chest. Beside me, I could hear Nancy muttering things about Drew under her breathe. I smiled; at least the plan was working.

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