Part 13: In which there is a revelation regarding the shark...and thighs.

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‘So Scully,’ Will said, as Julie landed on his lap. ‘How’s the novel going?’

Scully shot him a haughty look. ‘Concentrate on the matter in hand, you can't spend your whole life in denial.'

'Isn't that a river in Egypt?' Rowan said.

'Speaking of the matter in hand,' hinted Hannibal, shifting in his seat and raising his hips. Scully scribbled in a notebook.

Just then, the in limo phone rang. 'Yes?' Scully picked it up. 'Right. The boss says we have to put our clothes on. There's an in car video link to the president.'

'Damn politicians,' Hannibal muttered. 'Deceit makes them chewy.'

'Chewy?' said Julie and Rowan, but then POTUS was on the line, saying 'We have a SHARK SITUATION which threatens our liberty.'

The car pulled up at a beach. 'Touristy.' Scully wrinkled her nose.

'Like so much pork on a grill,' Hannibal said. '

Well time to concentrate on bagging us some killer Sushi,' Julie said to Will. 'Perhaps I can debrief you? I mean brief you.'

She took his hand and led him onto the beach. Will closed his eyes, concentrating on the shark. Becoming the shark. The glowing metronome ticked. In his head, he walked backwards into the ocean.

'What's he doing?' whispered Rowan to Hannibal.

'Stuff and nonsense,' Hannibal said, fondly. 'But he looks so sexy when he's tortured.'Welll?' Hannibal raised an eyebrow.

It was Jack Crawford. 'That's right, the shark spat me back out. Just minus one leg.'

'NOT a good choice for the shark,' murmured Hannibal. 'FBI are tough as nails.'

Just then, the shark roared up from the water.

'Wow, that's sharks unusually close to the....arghhhhh!' The shark grabbed Rowan, dragging her into the surf. Rowan punched it in its black soulless eye, and for a moment it let go before throwing her in the air and swallowing her whole.

'Damn,' said Scully in wonder. 'I thought that shark was just a metaphor.'

The shark seized her ankle. She grabbed Julie.

'Metaphors are deadly,' cried Hannibal.

'Like STAGS!' yelled Will. They both seized Julie, forming a human chain vs the shark.

'This blouse is 100% silk,' Scully growled. 'And I've got a book signing to get to.' Quickly she whipped a pistol from her garter and shot the shark in its still soulless black eye, squealing it retreated.

'Odd,' observed Hannibal. 'There's no blood.'

'It's…a ROBOT SHARK,' Will said.

'Yes, and it's got my leg,' growled Jack.

‘It’s the ultimate weapon,’ Hannibal was impressed. ‘I should like to meet the man, behind the monster and skewer his kidneys on a shish kebab.'

'I'll show you a shish kebab,' vowed Julie.' That thing has my friend.' She clenched a knife between her teeth & dived into the surf.

'Go, girl!' yelled Hannibal.

‘Hannibal, how vulgar,’ Will looked affronted.

Hannibal pursed his beautiful lips. ‘While Jack and Scully are distracted with the irrational impulse to save irrelevant human life, we make out.’

'NICE,' said Will. He leaned toward Hannibal to kiss him, then stopped. 'No, wait. I don't think human life is irrelevant.'

‘Oh Will, when will you finally realise you are my double?’

‘I shall never surrender to your hot firm thighs!’ Will yelled.

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