Part 6: In Which We Explore Fully The Sexual Significance Of A Shark

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This is our Hannibal fanfiction, written via Twitter. Because we are weird, and obsessed.

Will disentangled himself from Dr Lecter's arms. Jack was looking at them strangely. 'I'm a bit nervous…of sharks,' he lied.

'What do you suggest? Jack asked.

Their finger tips touched just out of his view. 'I suggest we go fishing,' Hannibal smiled.

Will straightened. 'Let's go down—I mean, let's go below. See what sort of person would use people to fish for sharks.'

'Yes, Jack, you should wait.' Hannibal stopped Jack. 'Will needs privacy to make an intimate connection to a killer.'

Will nodded. He climbed down the hatch, feeling Hannibal close behind him. He tried to make sense of all of this.

Hannibal was a killer. Hannibal was trying to make him into a killer too. And yet he wanted him, with a power beyond control.

It was dark below; a metallic scent hung in the air. Hannibal watched as Will closed his eyes, drinking in his vulnerability.

'I bring you here so we can be alone,' Will said, slowly, his eyes closed. 'So I can know you, wholly. This is my design.'

'You brought me here? Hannibal breathed in Will's heady scent. 'Of course, you are the finest fisherman I know.'

'And you, the perfect example of a shark.' Will's smile was bitter. 'A machine perfect for killing...eating.... And sex.'

'There is a myth that sharks have to keep moving or they will die. They must go forward, thrusting through the water. Relentless,' added Hannibal. He closed the distance between them. 'Powerful. Inexorable. Penetrating their surroundings like a spear.'

'This isn't about a need to kill.' The words caught thickly in Will's throat. 'It's about the need to consume, to be devoured.'

'So our killer has an oral fixation,' Hannibal mused. He ran a finger down the side of Will's face, lingering at his lips.

'He likes to explore the world with his mouth, and he wants to experience what it's like to be eaten....' Their eyes met.

'There is no Killer,' Hannibal understood at once. 'It's an elaborate autoerotic suicide. The man who fed himself to a shark.'

'Another metaphor for what seems to be happening here between us.' Will opened his mouth and let Hannibal slide his finger in.

'Perhaps you understand Will, because you long to be the bait that catches the predator.' Hannibal savoured Will tasting him.

Hannibal's finger tasted of sea salt. It was hot in his mouth, unbearably delicious. Will bit down lightly, then harder.

Hannibal firmly gripped the back of Will's neck, replacing his finger with his ravenous mouth.

'Um, hello?' Jack interrupted.

At that exact moment, something huge and relentless crashed into the side of the boat. 'Shit!' yelled Jack. 'The shark!'

'I think we're going to need a bigger boat,' Hannibal smiled, welcoming the arrival of a kindred beast. 'Let battle commence.'

Will braced himself against Hannibal's arm. He knew that more than one battle was commencing.

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