Chapter 4

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The man looked at every one as everyone else stared at him back. 'Sorry, my manners. I am Mr. Kwon, head Archeolgist and scientist. Nice to meet you all.' All the students greet him. At once, he goes back to the painting. 'The painting shows the three shooting stars, also known as the wish making shooting stars. They are said to appear almost never, maybe, once in every 300 years. If a wish is made the moment they shoot, the wish is said to come true. No matter how impossible, it will come true.' states Mr. Kwon. Everyone nods in understanding.

Out of the corner of her eyes, Son Hee watches as Mr. Kwon eyes her through his rimmed spectacles. Seriously. Thought Son Hee. Mr. Gong starts walking to another section. The others follow behind. 'This here are the historical artifacts that were discovered deep down the soil.' says Mr. Gong. All around them are different kinds of historical objects such as blankets, jewelleries, pots, sculptures and what not. Mr. Gong continues. 'You are free to watch and roam around as long as you keep your distance. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.' And so, everyone scattered around, watching and asking questions. Mr. Kwon, however, kept a stern eye on Son Hee.

The six friends watched everything together. 'Check this out guys.' Said Won Hee. They all look at what seemed like a parchment love letter. They all giggled. 'Thats a parchment love letter, written for someone named In Hin Jung, a noble man and a warrior.' comes the voice of Mr. Gong. They all jumped in surprise. Mr. Gong just smiles. When they all gain there breath, Won Hee asks, 'And written by?' Mr. Gong shrugs. 'Nobody knows. The writer is anonymous.' They all nod. Son Hee takes a closer look on the signature, it's written in Chinese characters, but Son Hee was educated enough to read Chinese. "Your flower" muttered Son Hee. Sweet. Thought she. Mr. Gong walked a little forward, summoning them to follow. 'And heres one of the most authentic wares. A sculpture made of thick earth,for the  warrior named Xu Minsao. Isn't it beautiful?' asked Mr. Gong. Son Hee looked at the sculpture. Indeed it was. The sculpture was designed in the face of the warrior. He looks handsome. Thought Son Hee. The others stifled a giggle. Perhaps they were thinking the same. 'Made by whom, may we ask?' asked Min Jae. I think she's into the sculpture. Mr. Gong shrugged again. 'Its still anonymous.' the friends sighed. Mr. Gong felt a little pressured, so he moved on to another object. 'And here we have what looks like a pillow made for a lover. You see, those cherry blossoms embroided? Back then, people believed that to be the symbol of love,  unrecruited love at least.' They all stared at it in awe. Beautiful. Thought Son Hee. She watched through the corner of her eye, and to her astonishment, Mr. Kwon was still eyeing her. What's wrong with this oldy?

Suddenly, Son Hee noticed Mr. Kwon getting distracted, as a girl attempted to touch a set of bow and arrows. 'There now, easy there.' Said Mr. Kwon. The appearance of his voice drew everyone's attention towards him and the student. The student blushed in emberrasment and timidly asks Mr. Kwon about the bow and arrows. Mr. Gong walked up to them and with out hesitation, started explaining. 'Ah that! That is said to be of a female warrior, we still don't know who it is. But judging with the look of it it belonged to a female warrior.' they all nod. The bow looks kind of scary to be of a girl, but they just nod anyway. 'Its beautiful.' said Dong Hee. Everyone looked at her. She calls that beautiful? Of course she would. This are her kind of stuffs. Scary stuffs. Mr. Kwon smiled. Dong Hee put on a pair of latex gloves and touched the bow with the tip of her fingers. Nobody says anything. She's following protocol. But Son Hees mind drove her elsewhere. In the opposite side sat a sword so beautiful, Son Hee almost felt like welding it. The sword was made with gold and embedded with rubies. The glow reflected in Son Hees eyes. That's the most beautiful object she has seen so far here. 'Please tell me this have an owner sir.' Said Son Hee, almost begging. Even though she knew that was in imprudent way to ask, Son Hee doesn't feel guilty. She was too eager to know the owner.

Mr. Gong sighed and replied, 'Unfortunatly, we still don't know it's were abouts. So-' but before he could finish, Mr. Kwon cut him off. 'Yes we have.' Mr. Gong was taken aback. 'Am sorry sir, but have there been an error, or something?' asked Mr. Gong. Mr. Kwon waves his hand in disagreement and continues. 'Not at all. It's just that I came across the information a while ago. The sword belonged to the Queen, King Hashings wife. Nobody knows anything of her, nobody can even say the swords hers. But if you see at the sword carefully, you can see it's unique in it's beauty, and also, there the same symbol on the sword as the one signed in His Majesty's portrait.' once again, everyone nods. Son Hee looked at the symbol. He's right. There's a symbol of a blazing fire, same as the one in the portrait.

For a long time, a thought kept appearing in Son Hees head. No matter how hard she tried to get rid of it, it kept appearing, forcing her to ask it, until finally, the words came stumbling out of her mouth. 'How did they destroy? Nihara... How did it destroy?' Everyone looked at Son Hee. Ofcourse, everyone wanted to know too. That will always be an interesting story. With a sigh, Mr. Kwon said, 'Fire. There was a fire in the palace, which spread around, killing all the nobles including the royal family. Nobody knows what happened of the people. They must have died or escaped. The fire, it was caused by the royal family itself.' At first, the words sank in understanding, only to be surprised on the last sentence. A fire? Caused by the royal family itself? That makes no sense. 'What do you mean, caused by the royal family itself? Was there a mistake in the palace?' Questioned Dong Hee. That's what it's supposed to be right? That's the only possiblity. But for some reason, Son Hee thought otherwise.

Mr. Kwon shook his head with a smile. 'I knew you would say that. But unfortunately, thats not the case. The fire, was caused by His Majesty itself. He was... A fire bender.


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