Chapter 1

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2019, Seoul, South Korea

If it had not been for Dong Hee and Won Hee, Son Hee might have just punched Ms. Oh with her bare fists.

It's not been 2 minutes since she arrived in the class and she's already asking Son Hee to write a statement for a crime she hasn't  even committed- coming late in the class. Hell she hasn't even seen her coming! Nobody knows, but the three triplet sisters are three of the most earliest students to arrive at the  University. Ms. Oh likes picking on Son Hee, because of the popularity she has in the whole campus for being the most obedient, respectful and proud student of Hanguk University of Archeology. Ms. Oh is jealous becouse she is a graduate of the same University too,but doesn't have respect that she deserves. Not literally. She's a pain in the neck, she got what she deserves. A jealous women of beauty that others posses. But nobody dares tell her anything, since she's the Archeology professor's daughter. One reason why Son Hee and the others can't speak up, despite the fact that there father is the CEO of Seoul National Museum.

'Drop it Son Hee. It's no use loosing your temper over this b****.' Won Hee said. Hae Jin pokes Dong Hee and hands her a note. The three sisters take a quick peek at the note that says, 'New boots out at Channel store. Let's take a look after school.' Dong Hee hands the paper back with a scribbled "yes" . Just as she pulls her hand back, Ms. Oh turns her head to the left side and at once, throws a tantrum.

'Ms. Lee! What do you think you are doing??' Demands Ms. Oh. She glares at Dong Hee as if she would chew her alive. Dong Hee, however,remains composed. Son Hee smirks. She knows were this is going.

'Yes ma'am? Is there something wrong?' questions Dong Hee. Snickers spread all around the room. Ms. Oh stares at Dong Hee in distaste. But still remains silent. Ofcourse. There's nothing she can say even if Dong Hee did do something. Cause nobody, literally NOBODY saw what happened. Even if Ms. Oh names her deed, Dong Hee will only deny it. If she keeps insisting, she will look like a fool. This is no kindergarten school, you know.

Ms. Oh turns away her head in disgust, hairs swinging every were. And after that, the whole class goes silently. Before everyone shuffles out of the room, Ms. Oh says to no one in particular, but everyone knows who it is. 'I need the statement before lunch break.' Son Hee walks away with out sparing another breath. The three triplets and Hae Jin, Sarang, Min Jae walk out of the class for there next lesson.

Classes come to an end. The six friends walk out hand in hand, ready for there visit to Channel Store. 'Are you guys ready?' asks Sarang in delight. They all nod. It's been so long since they visited places on there own. Every time, whenever the friends decide on a trip, Son Hee's dad always sends a guard along for security. That's a good thing, yeah, but there never was any privacy. Where ever they went, he would always follow around. After so long, they were on there own.

'You gonna purchase anything?' Won Hee asks Sarang. 'Yessssss!!'
Sarang answers with glee. 'The weather's nice. Let's walk.' suggests Min Jae. As they reach the pavement, a car pulls up in front of them. The glass goes down and Kisuki, Son Hee and her sisters driver's face pops up.

'Where to ma'am?'

They all stand in silence. For a while, they all stare at each other's faces, confused as to what to do. Won Hee nudges Dong Hee  with her elbow, begging to say something. 'Umm....I....I mean we...we will be visiting some where and will be coming home on our-' before she can even complete, Kisuki cuts her off. 'But ma'am, Master said you were supposed to have tea with Grand Mrs. I think you should return home.' By "grand Mrs", means grandma and "Master", for there dad.

They all let out moans of frustration. 'Not again!' says Min Jae.

It's true. It's been a week since there Grandma showed up. And since then, they have a continues routine of tea parties with just there Grandma, Dong Hee, Son Hee, Won Hee and there mom. She was supposed to leave today, but seems like she didn't. No wonder there's another tea gathering.

'Dong Hee, if you manage to get rid of this niusence this instant, I will purchase you the Channel Booties.' promises Sarang. Dong Hee swallows, takes in a deep breath and let's it out. 'Forgive us, Kisuki, but not today. We were not informed about this, so it's likely to be true. It's not like we doubt you Kisuki, it's just we have our own business to attend. Well then, Good day!' and with that, Dong Hee starts walking away, trying to end the matter there and then and the others follow behind. Kisuki is left speechless. Son Hee takes glances behind her back, and the car is still there. After a few minutes, an engine comes to life and the next time Son Hee looks behind, the pavement is empty.

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