Chapter 6

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860AD, Nihara

The sun shines brightly through the clouds. The market is already packed with people, all coming for the days grocery. Men and women of all ranks, high and low roam around, searching and purchasing, the hubbub growing louder in every second. What an odd view to see! Men and women from all different ranks swarming like bees at the same time and same place, not caring that they have just crossed a border they never imagined they would. Nobody cared much, ranks were not a big deal in the land of Nihara. There is respect maintained between the rich and the poor, the noble and the peasants, yes, but nobody cares weather you are a noble or a peasant as long as the poor respect the rich as if there lives depends on it. After all, it was the rich nobles who sweared with there lives to protect Nihara, since they were the only once who were actual Benders.

Men of various ages and built, all busy doing there days work, both peasants and nobles. Among them walked a man in his mid 20s, handsome face, but a childish behaviour. Sellers all greet him with a bow, happiness glicening in there faces. The people love him, that is for sure. Though he was a noble, and not just any noble, but the son of one of the kings minister, he receives more respect than he actually deserves. 'Greetings to you, Master Taejoo! What can I do for you today?' A fruit seller asks as Taejoo stops in front of him. Taejoo smiles softly and says, 'There you are again! Acting as if am all the Mighty himself. You can be casual with me.' The seller, too shocked at what Taejoo just said, falls to his knees as if he committed murder itself. ' Master! If I be like that, I will more than just to deserve to die!' Taejoo sighs loudly, loud enough for the man to hear him. A small smile plays in the corner of his mouth as he helps the man to his feet again.

'This privilage is only given to people like you. People who give there lives if needed to ease the hunger of the rich. Nobody else is allowed that. Be happy. Be grateful. Only then can I be happy and grateful too.' Taejoo says the man, trying to comfort him. The man slowly nodes, still not ready to eccept this treatment. Taejoo looks around for a while, only to turn back to the fruit seller again. 'Enough of chit chat. I might as well get you killed with my behaviour.' The man looks up at Taejoo in horror and disbelieve, surprised as how Taejoo changed his words so quickly. Taejoo just laughs at the man sudden change in face, the man joining him seconds later only to realize he was just joking. 'What will you have Master? Peaches? Melons?'

Taejoo looks from one basket to another, only to land his eyes on melons. Taejoo smiles softly and asks, 'How much for these?' The man looks from the basket to Taejoo. 'Master! They are free of charge for you!' Taejoo laughs lightly. 'Dont be rediculous. Am pretty sure you arent selling them for free.' But the man wont just give up. 'Master! They are free of charge just for you!' The man says, packing a few already.

Taejoo sighs loudly, loud enough for the seller to listen again. 'Fine then.' Says Taejoo. The man hands over the bag to Taejoo, just as he slides a few silver, more than the actual price, in the cart sectretly. Taejoo giggles as the man notices what he has done. 'Bless you boy!' Says the man, his head bowed down in respect. Taejoo salutes him in return, walking forward. The man calls out to him asking, 'Where are you off to anyway?' Taejoo turns his head slightly, a large smile plastered in his face as he says, 'To the Lee's.'

At the Lee's:

The air feels damp in Son Yoon body. Slowly but surely, her eyes open and adjust to the room. She turns her head to find her two triplet sisters, Dong Yoon and Won Yoon sitting on the chairs beside her bed. They jump off there feet as they find her awake. 'Son Yoon!' Exclaimed Won Yoon. 'How are you feeling? Are you ok?' Questions Dong Yoon. Son Yoon takes her head in her palms. "Shit. My head hurts." 'What happened?' Asks Son Yoon. The two look from one another. For a while, no one speaks. A while later, Dong Yoon breaks the silence.

'You had a fit Son Yoon. We were in the garden when you passed out. We thought something happened. The physician said you had a fit due to lack of hygiene. YAH! I TOLD YOU NOT TO SKIP MEALS! YOUR BODY CANT STAND IT YOU FOOL!' Dong Yoons last sentence brings her back to the reality. She has been trying to figure out what had happened at the garden. But no bells ring. All Son Yoon can remember is falling asleep and dreaming strange stuffs. And the next thing she knows, her head hurts like hell knows how much and its half past noon when she woke up, which means she missed lunch. Son Yoon let out a sigh of frustration.


This is just a sample. The original is available on Kindle Amazon. If you have enjoyed the story so far, please go ahead and read it from there. 

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