Private Session

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A/N~ Everyone has been carrying on for me to upload, so here is a super short teaser chapter~ I don't have a longer one ready yet! Is everyone voting for Jawdrop??? I hope so, or I would be very dissapointed in my fans!

Chapter 16~

When I enter, the Gamemakers all look up, watching me intently. No pressure. Yeah right. I confidently stride over to the knife rack and choose a handful of slender blades.  I walk over to the targets and begin walking away from them, straight out. I lay a knife down every 10 yards or so, thinking about what I was about to do. After I was about 50 yards away, I laid the last knife and stepped back. I can see the Gamemakers watching me with interest, curious as to what I was going to do.

 I take a deep breath, and run forwards. Doing a more complex version of my showing off to the other tributes, I curled into a roll. Grabbing the knife and slinging it, not thinking, to the target. Then I cart-wheeled into the next, front flipped into the third and so on. When I was finished, I stick the landing and stand up, arms held high. When I hear the thunderous applause, I look at the target. Each knife has been embedded into the hilt of the next, all centered on the target. It is awesome, if I do say so myself. I was expecting all of them to hit the target, but not direct bulls-eyes and certainly not into each other. I turn and face my audience, giving a cocky bow and strutting out.

Once out of sight, I take a deep breath, trying to calm my rapid heartbeat. It was so difficult to keep calm in there. Every time I went down, I panicked. It was awful. I compose myself and head down the hall to the elevator.

When I round the corner, I see Cato waiting for me. I glance around to see if anyone is with us, and then break into a dead run. He catches me with waiting arms, squeezing me tight. “Well? How did you do?” he asks, setting me down. “I did it,” is all I say. We separate and step onto the elevator. We only have a short ride up, so we don’t really talk. Lolatrix and Arennia are both waiting when we get off.

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