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  The purpose of this book is to go over the apostasy of the church in this day and age. I also aim to glorify God, edify the body of Christ, and (God willing) win some to Christ. This book will point out where a lot of clear apostasy is happening within the church.

  I am K.J.V. only, so if you are against the Authorized Version 1611, you might disagree with portions of this book. I invite you to at least read it through before disregarding it. I have always used the King James Version and through much research I still stand by it as the true Word of God. This will not be a book on manuscript evidence but I suggest reading("Final Authority" by William P. Grady, "Manuscript Evidence" by Peter S. Ruckman, and "Did the Catholic Church Give Us The Bible" by David Daniels).

  Apostasy, also known as the falling away (2 Thessalonians 2:3), is rapidly growing with everyone questioning the Word of God these days. They are also pushing for unity with all other religions (Philippians 1:27-29). The Lord Jesus Christ tells us that there is only one way to the Father and that is through Jesus Himself (John 14:6). He also tells us that we must be born again (John 3:3). To be born again we must understand that we are all sinners (Romans 3:23) in need of a Savior. God provided us that with the blood atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus, after rising from the dead, delivered the gospel of salvation to the apostle Paul (1 Corinthians 15:1-4).

  I will probably step on a lot of toes with this book but I write this not to please men. I write only to glorify Almighty God. "Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel". Religion has become a perversion of the relationship we are to have with the Father and trodden under foot the blood of Christ. Traditions and superstitions have the same effect if they go against what the Bible says.

  Just a bit of a warning, I will repeat things many times throughout this book. That is because I believe they are very important things that many overlook or ignore. Keep in mind that I am just a man. Do not read this book and just take my word for it. Go to the Bible and check everything I have wrote. That is why I use so much scripture reference in this book. I want you to go to your "K.J.V." Bible and read the scriptures for yourself. Look up all scriptures given and read them all in the context of the Bible.

  I would like to lift up all brothers and sisters in Christ with this book. I pray that it strengthens them in there walk as we go through this time of apostasy. Until our Lord comes, walk with one mind in the faith, edifying one another. Openly rebuke false gospels and do not cause strife within the body of Christ. I love you all in Christ Jesus our Lord.

  Now I welcome all to read through this book and to check the scriptures on all things. Each topic I have brought up will be gone over more in depth throughout the chapters. Any time I give my opinion on something, I will make it known that it is my opinion and not doctrine.

  A quick thank you to all that have helped with my walk in Christ and have helped with this book. My wife, Ashley Cope, who has always supported me with everything I do and loves the Lord with all her heart. William and Shiane Downs, a true brother and sister in Christ that would do anything to help anyone. My mother Betty Cope, that has gone down that hard road with me every step of the way. My father Mark Cope, who taught me common sense and tough love that I needed. My best friend and brother in Christ, Brandon Frasier for all the godly talks, no matter how many hours I may ramble on. Another friend and brother in Christ, Lance Cole for proofreading this work and giving constructive feedback. I love you all and thank you for the support.

A Short Testimony

  My name is Mark Anthony Cope. I have always believed in God and Jesus. I always knew Jesus died on the cross and rose again. However, my knowledge of the Bible did not go much further than that and the basic stories that everyone knows. Then when I was eleven, my little brother died and I began my rebellion against God. I blamed God for it happening. I never doubted His existence. I was just angry and directed that anger toward Him. I stayed that way until I was eighteen years old. Then I finally tried reading the Bible one night by candle light because we were without electric. I read for a while but did not quite understand it. So I ended up stopping. I did get a bit closer to God but not by much. Then me and my wife moved in with her aunt and uncle, who were Christian. That helped me out greatly by getting me around more godly people than I ever had. Yet, there was no change in my ways or thinking. However, it did get me back in church. Then one day, about a year later, I raised my hand when they asked if anyone wanted to be saved. I was around twenty two at that time. The pastor and the assistant pastor took me in the back and read me some scriptures and asked if I understood it. I lied and said I did. Then we prayed and I left. My ways did not really change. In fact, after a while they got much worse. Especially my anger. It was not until I was thirty years old, that a sudden fear came over me like I have never had before. The fear steamed from Bible conspiracies online. Throughout my whole adult life I have prayed that God would give me understanding of His Word but I only ever tried reading it the one time. After the conspiracies I wanted to go to the Word of God itself so that I would not be deceived by these conspiracies. However, the more Bible I read the more fear I had. I understood what I read and realized I had been in great error. I did not know how to rightly divide. I thought I was doomed to hell and nothing could be done about it. Then I came across Robert Breaker's video "Assurance of Salvation" and he used the scriptures to show how that we can know we are saved. January of 2018, I knew without a doubt in my mind that I am saved by hearing the gospel, understanding the gospel, and putting my trust and faith in the gospel of 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.

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