(Chapter 6)(Fallin in love)

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(Chapter 6)(Fallin in love)

(Eric's p.o.v)

I held miranda close , she had fallen asleep in my arms. I was still sitting up. I didn't want to wake her. I laid my head back on the headboard , no comfort there. But I didn't care as long as she was comfortable .

I woke the next morning , I was laying on the bed completely . But my feet were up against the headboard and my head was hanging off the side of the bed. I often woke up in strange position . Miranda was gone.

(Miranda's p.o.v)

I woke up in the back of Blake's truck, wait what!

I sat up. We were parked at a bar. I wasn't liking this at all.

McCoy looked at me. I was about to pick him up but I realized my wrists were bound together by rope. My phone!

I maneuvered my arms to get to my back pocket. I struggled but finally got it . I dialed Eric's number.

Chief: thank god where the hell you at?

Me: Blake's got me and McCoy .

Chief: damn the fucker stole my dog too.

Me: chief I'm at a bar, just please come get me.

Chief: which bar?

Me: um I don't know, can you track my phone?

Chief: how do you do that?

Me: go to the bar closest to the hotel you were in where my truck broke down. Blake drove his lifted red truck.

Chief: okay.

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