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Jaehyung nervously plays with the end of his shirt as he walks down to the front of his building. His arm kept bothering him and although he took his pain medication earlier. The bruises on his leg were sore this morning, but he tried ignoring the slight pain. He refused to cancel this date, but he was still nervous something would happen.

He seemed super confident over text but what if Younghyun noticed the difference when they met in person? What if he didn't like that side of Jae? What if he led Jae on?

Wonpil said Younghyun was a good guy, he was friends with him for over five years, but for some reason Jae couldn't get it through his skull that everything would be okay.

"Jae!" The guitarist heard his name being called as soon as he stepped out of the building.

He looked over to see a familiar face. Jesus, he was a lot more handsome in person, Jae thought to himself with a slight blush of embarrassment.

Younghyun was wearing a faded, black button up with plain black jeans. He was wearing converse that looked almost new. His dark brown hair was parted in the middle.

The taller male anxiously walked over, sending the younger a bright smile. He, thankfully, got one in return.

"Fancy meeting you here," Brian said, his ears ablaze. He was leaning on the passenger door, trying to look not awkward. Why the hell did I just say that? I was supposed to meet him here, idiot, he scolded himself.

Instead of cringing or pointing out that they planned to meet there, Jae laughed, "totally. Didn't know you were going to be here. What a coincidence."

Jaehyung had noticed how red Young K's ears were and knew he was embarrassed by saying that. He thought it was kind of adorable.

"Alright, get in the car, you crackhead," Jae ordered, being playful with his words in order to calm his nerves and possibly Brian's as well.

"Will do," Younghyun responded, opening Jae's door first and then scurrying over to the driver's side.

"Wow, didn't expect you to be such the gentleman type," Jae joked, receiving a glare from the younger. "I'm playing, gosh," he chuckled.


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