i fell in love with my gay best friend. now i'm pregnant with his child! ch 9

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<P>Abby P.O.V</P>

<P>I felt horrible. I told Tom that we aren't friends anymore then I find out that he loves </P>

<P>me. Then I made Erick a liar. I got what I wanted but I felt horrible about it. I got to </P>

<P>sleep with Erick! Then I got to hear that Tom loves me. I laid in bed for most of the </P>

<P>day feeling like crap</P>

<P>Tom P.O.V</P>

<P>I need Abby in my life. I need to apologize maybe if I tell her that I love her she </P>

<P>would forgive me. No that just stupid. I should ask Erick for his side of the story. </P>

<P>Maybe I just over reacted. Just the way she said we were not fiends it felt like she </P>

<P>stabbed me in the chest with a sharp knife.</P>

<P>Abby P.O.V</P>

<P>I wanted to be held. I laid there on the bed for a while. I realized I was being stupid </P>

<P>laying on the bed feeling sorry for myself. I got off my bed and went sown stairs to </P>

<P>the kitchen. I made myself some Mac and cheese. On Saturday and Sunday I went </P>

<P>to the beach and tanned all day. I meet a couple of friends. Saturday they told me </P>

<P>we lost the foot ball game.</P>

<P>It was Monday. My body woke me up at 5:30. I tried going back to bed but I couldn't </P>

<P>so I decided to go for a run. After I got changed in my running clothes. I quickly </P>

<P>threw my hair into a bun. Looked into the mirror to see a very golden brown girl </P>

<P>staring at me. Then sun tan made my eyes a lot more greener or they just made </P>

<P>them pop out more. I grabbed my I pod and headed out side. I lock the door turned </P>

<P>around to see Tom heading to his car.</P>

<P>"Hey Abby."</P>

<P>"Morning." I put my head phone in and ran. I didn't know how long or where I was </P>

<P>going. Was in my own little world I guess because when I come out of it I was </P>

<P>sitting on a rock bridge ( jetty) looking down at the water. I was so lost. I stood up </P>

<P>and looked around. There was buildings. </P>

<P>"Hello Are you okay?" I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to quickly and I </P>

<P>started to fall. I would have fell but a hand grabbed my arm.</P>

<P>"Wooh there. Your okay I'm not going to harm you." I looked up to see this guy. He </P>

<P>was quite cute with blue eyes and black hair looking down at me.</P>

<P>"Where am I?" he had a confused looked.</P>

<P>"Your at Ron's beach." I knew this beach this was by my uncles work.</P>

<P>"Oh thank you." he let go of my arm.</P>

I fell in love with my gay bestfriend. Now i'm pregnant with his child!Where stories live. Discover now