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Wedding bells were ringing in the church, everyone was getting ready for the wedding. Kitty put on her bridesmaids dress and had a strang feeling at the pit of her stomach, something wasn't right.

'Artie, Sam. Is everything okay?'

'We can't find Puck.'

'What? I told you not to get to hammered last night.' Sam and Artie both laughed then stopped. 'Go find Puck. Wait, where's Q and Santana?'

'God knows.'


Rachel woke up late with a headache. She could hardly remember the last nights events and could only remember Jesse standing in her bedroom.

Rachel began to get ready and didn't feel ready to get married. What was wrong with her?

An hour later she arrived at the church and found Quinn standing by the steps of the church fiddling with her bracelet.

'You look stunning.'

'Thank you. Am I making myself look like fool again? Jumping in so quick with another guy.'

'Puck isn't just some guy. He's the right guy.' Quinn wasn't sure who she was talking about him being the right guy for.

Kitty distracted Rachel while Quinn spoke to the boys. 'Have you called him?' Quinn asked.

'A million times.'

'I think you need to talk to him.' Santana suggested.


Quinn walked to Pucks villa and saw him struggling to put a tie on.

'Need some help?'

'Quinn? What are you doing here?' Puck asked allowing her to tie his tie.

'You're half hour late to you own wedding.' She replied.

'I don't know if I can do it.'

'Marry Rachel?'

'Get over you.' Puck replied. Quinn took a step back from the boy and leaned against the wall.

'Do you love Rachel?'

'Of course.'

'Then Marry her.'


Quinn and Puck got back to the church and we're ready to get the show on the road.

'You ready?' Quinn asked

'Yes.' The blushing bride responded.

Quinn walked into the church linking arms with Santana. 'You okay with this?'

'I'll survive.'

Quinn gave Puck a reassuring look and took her seat. Rachel walked down the aisle looking beautiful. She stood next to Puck and smiled.

Everyone settled down and we're ready to watch the ceremony.

'Before I begin does anyone have any reasons why these two should not be wed? The minister asked.

Someone stood up at the back of the church, Rachel rolled her eyes and spoke. 'Sit down Jesse.'

'Okay, I'll ask again, are there any reason why these should not be wed?'

No one spoke, the church was silent, you could hear a pin drop.

'I can't do this...'

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