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Quinn got ready for the dinner and was overwhelmingly tempted to fake a fever and stay at the villa and cry. She couldn't she needed to be happy for her best friend because she knows that if the roles were reversed Rachel would support her.

Quinn put on a white sundress with a pink denim jacket with white flats and white sunglasses.

'Ready.' Kitty asked approaching the blonde.

'As I'll ever be.' Quinn said taking a deep breath.

The girls walked into the restaurant and found that she and Kitty were sitting at opposite ends of the table and The blonde was sitting opposite Puck. Fun.

Everyone was caught up in conversation when Kitty whispered (not so quietly) to Artie. 'I can't believe they're best friends.'

'Why not?' Rachel piped up.

'It's-Um. You're so different, I mean you so extroverted and Quinn is just-'

Santana laughed loudly. 'Well I guess you haven't seen Fabray on a Saturday night.'

'Hey! That was the old me. I'm different now.' Quinn said giving Puck a pointed look.

Sensing he tension Artie spoke. 'Come on Puckerman speech.'

Puck reluctantly stood up. 'I'm getting married!' He said keeping it short and sweet. 'Now I'm not one to give speeches but my stunning finance is.'

'No, no no no.' Rachel said faking shyness. 'Okay, yes yes yes. Okay so if you know me you know that I fall in love easily. I have kissed so many toads in my time but I think I've found my prince. When I first saw Noah I thought. 'It'll just be another fling and I'll get my hurt broken.' And 'it's a holiday romance it won't last.' But then suddenly I knew that some holiday romances are meant to last forever.'

Quinn looked down at her hands and twisted her finger around her bracelet.

'Now I would like to propose a toast.' Rachel said raising her glass of champagne. 'To holiday romance and love.'

Both Quinn and Puck hesitancy raised their glass. 'I need some air.' Quinn announced and walked over to the bar which was far away from the table and ordered a double shot of vodka.

She quickly polished off the shot and ran her finger around the rim of the shot glass multiple times getting lost in her day dream.

'This is crazy right?' A voice said making the blonde jump.

'Yeah. You know Rae she loves the attention.'

'No I mean the whole I'm getting married to your best friend.' He said awkwardly.

'Oh yeah.' Quinn shifted uncomfortably.

Puck paused. 'If I had known I would never... but we're in love.'

'Great. I'm happy, I really am. Thrilled even.'

Puck smiled. 'I heard you graduated so I'm happy for you.'

'Thanks.' Quinn said completely avoiding eye contact.

'This is weird.'

'Not its not. This is completely not weird.' Quinn lies.

Puck sighed. 'We need to tell her.'

'No.' She said looking at him for the first time that night. 'We can't. It will kill her.'

'I don't want to lie to her.'

'She's my bestfriend. If anyone deserves to be happy it's her. Plus it's not lying we're just not telling the whole truth.' She looked at him again reframing from falling for him all over again. 'Look, let's just forget it ever happened. You stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours.'

Puck opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by his fiancé. 'Getting to know each other already? It is so important to me that you two get along.'

'Oh you have no idea.' Quinn said downing about her shot.

'Great, because I have a few wedding-y things I need you to do for me tomorrow, like help Noah sort out his suit, make sure he looks stunning for me. You'll get on like a house on fire. So much for you to talk about!' Rachel squealed and walked away.

Quinn sighed 'Great.' And took another shot.

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