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Quinn sat in the cab from the airport with a smile on her face. She was finally getting back to Florida where she had longed to be for the past 3 years. The cab pulled up at her friends beach hut. She graduated at the top of her class and was ready to have a well deserved break from studying and get some alcohol in her system.

'I'm here.' Quinn yelled once she pulled up to the going house.

'The party doesn't start till lady Fabray makes an appearance.' Santana Lopez announced with a Long Island ice tea in hand. 'Now hurry up Rachel is waiting by the pool.'

'There's a pool.'

'We're in Florida Q. Everyone has a pool.' The Latina laughed.

'Rae didn't mention you were going to be here.' Quinn said.

Santana laughed. 'She told me that here and Jesse broke up for the six millionth time and I was like finally man detox time, plus Brit dumped me so I need a detox.'

'Well what are we waiting for. Let's party!'

The house was amazing! It was something out of a vacation blog. Very Rachel Berry.

The two best friends saw each other and immediately embraced.

'I've missed you Q.'

'You have no idea.' Quinn smiled and lauded on a sun lounger.

'Cut the small talk Berry. Tell her.'

Quinn raised an eyebrow. 'Tell me what?'

Rachel took a deep breath and smiled widely. I'm getting married.' The pint sized brunettes showed the blonde the rock on her finger.

'What? Please tell me it's not Jesse!' Quinn warned

Rachel laughed. 'God no. I'd rather have my vocal chords ripped out.'

Quinn was still in shock but glad that it wasn't Jesse she was marrying. 'You've been here two months! Who could you have possibles met?'

'When you know you know. I love him.'

'You said that about Jesse, Finn, and Broady.'

'Don't forget when she had a crush on Mr Schue.' Santana added takin another sip.

'It's different with this guy.'

'Well. I can't wait to meet him.'

'You forgot the other detail Rachel.' Santana mentioned.

'What? Quinn asked looking between her two friends

'The wedding is in three days.'

'Excuse me? I thought it was a long engagement.'

'We can't wait to be married. Now, Here's to love.' Rachel said prospering a toast.

'Love.' Santana and Quinn repeated less enthusiastic.

Santana suddenly spoke. 'Wait Q. Didn't you have that fling with that guys here?'

Quinn shifted uncomfortably.

Rachel laughed loudly. 'Quinn doesn't have flings. She's too sensible.'

'You don't know?' Santana asked.

'It was nothing but a fling. It was three years ago. Ancient history.' Quinn said downing her drink and grabbing another one.

'Come on Q. You're not in the library anymore.'

'Ancient history!'

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