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Quinn woke up with a pain shooting down her back from the rough nights sleep she had. She had a headache but most of all she had a broken heart,over the same boy who gave it too her last time...she was still in love with him and she couldn't do anything about.

Snapping her out of her thoughts was someone sitting besides her. The blonde look to left and saw Santana.

'You are in love with him.' Quinn nodded and broke down in the Latinas arms. 'Oh, Q.' Santana felt guilty that she couldn't give some advise. 'Listen, I'm no one to give relationship advice, all of my relationships have ended in heart break, but everything I have learnt about real love, I learnt from you and Rachel. Even though she drives me insane.' Quinn stifled a laugh and looked at the Latina. 'I know that you two have had it tough we were always there for each other. Now don't we want to be there for her today?'

Quinn finally came to her senses. 'How long have we got.'

'Shit.' The two ran out of the airport as fast as the could and hailed a cab. Quinn quickly got dressed in the back of the car and Santana was still in her outfit from last night.

Affair of the heart Where stories live. Discover now