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Val: it's soooo hot

Jack: as hot as me?

Val: hotter

Jack: I'm insulted

Val: I meant the weather

Jack: doesn't make me any less insulted

Val: I'm sorry??

Jack: where are you?

Val: out

Val: actually I'm surrounded by numerous ice cream flavors

Val: but it's still hot

Jack: finally doing that summer job Dylan forced you into?

Val: yeah and guess what?

Jack: what?

Val: Dylan freaking bails on me, claiming she had food poisoning or something

Val: the worst is it's true but I'm still mad because this was all her idea and I can't leave the truck because the owner said he'd be back by the end of the day

Jack: but you're not in a swimsuit right??

Jack: just so we're clear

Val: I'm having an emotional breakdown and that's what you're prioritizing?

Jack: is that a yes?

Val: no, I'm in clothes

Jack: shorts?

Val: jeans

Jack: a hoodie?

Val: tank top

Jack: VAL!!!!1!!1

Val: I'm sorry but it's too hot to wear anything but

Val: I think I even tanned myself just by being in this sauna of a truck

Jack: that's not possible

Val: I know

Val: business is good though

Val: costumers are rolling in because of the heat

Jack: male costumers?

Val: you can't make me not serve the male species, it's bad for business

Jack: I hate you

Val: I even bought a couple of scoops for myself, it's really good

Val: a lot of these are vegan so yeah

Jack: you don't even have to pay, no one will notice a few missing cones and scoops of ice cream

Val: jack robert avery are you suggesting thievery??

Val: that rhymed ^^

Jack: maybe

Val: I'd never

Jack: you're saying you AREN'T a thief?

Val: of course I'm not

Jack: then explain why you stole my heart

Val: that was super cheesy

Jack: I have more

Val: no thanks

Jack: do you smoke weed?

Val: of course not

Jack: because weed be cute together

Val: we are together

Jack: even better

Jack: weed be cute as a married couple

Val: wow

Jack: are you Paris?

Val: yes

Jack: because Eiffel for you

Val: I should start calling you cheesehead

Jack: cheese don't leave me

Val: that's just terrible

Jack: haha I know

((early update because Jack's birthday was yesterday and because the last chapter got a lot of votes haha

Just wanna take a second to thank everyone who's taking the time to read these weird updates of mine. How'd ya find this book?))

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