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Val: I can't believe that actually happened

Jack: good morning to you too

Jack: or should I say afternoon?

Val: you can't see but my entire face is a tomato

Val: I'm soooo embarrassed

Jack: don't you mean "the color of" a tomato?

Val: please delete all my messages from last night

Jack: Val you have nothing to be ashamed about

Val: yes I do

Jack: also I took screenshots of everything and sent them to everyone I know so there's no going back


Jack: kidding

Val: you'd better be

Jack: how's the hangover?

Val: I don't usually drink

Val: just thought I'd clarify that

Val: I actually haven't in a long time

Val: they were all just up my butt about being snobbish so yeah

Val: the hangover is terrible

Jack: why'd you stop drinking?

Val: oh no sob story behind it, I just don't like drinking

Val: tell me a story

Jack: what story?

Val: anything

Jack: hmm once upon a time there was a beautiful princess named Molly and she was the most beautiful thing ever to walk the earth

Val: I meant a childhood story but go ahead

Jack: suitors from far and wide would try to win her over, she was just so addicting

Jack: like the drug that she's named after

Jack: one day, the princess announced that there would be a contest and only ten suitors would be able to compete, only the best of the best were qualified

Jack: there were strong ones and brave ones and even weird and ugly ones like Prince Jordan

Jack: then there was Prince Stefan, though it was a miracle he was able to compete because he was weird and short and pretty much spent his free time stalking the princess

Val: sounds familiar

Jack: it was indeed a wonder how Prince Stefan managed to win her affections, but he truly did love her endlessly

Val: how much did he love her?

Jack: his love for her was immeasurable

Val: I like Stefan

Jack: he likes you too

((omgomgomg haha chapter dedicated to RaghaddMurad because a chapter off her book inspired this cute chapter ending eeeep))

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